Design-oriented firms such as Apple have shown how design thinking can directly affect business results, yet most managers lack a proper sense of how to put this approach to use for issues other than product development and sales growth.
This book looks at how 10 organisations have managed to do it successfully; Irish readers will be interested to note that Dublin city features as one of the case studies, based around various initiatives organised by Design21C and the city council.
The Designing Dublin project provides an example of how embracing the design process can unlock hidden talent and resources while the council has moved from a hier- archical process of determining projects to a more democratic process in which the city’s residents not only figured out which projects were most relevant but also brought them to fruition, the authors note.
Among the other projects are reimaging the trade show experience for IBM, which was aimed at differentiating IBM's character and brand experience at thousands of trade shows around the globe.
One result was enhanced understanding of how humans communicate and learn.