Author Brian Clegg studied physics at Cambridge University and specialises in making the big questions of science, including infinity, time travel and quantum theory, accessible to the general reader. He is editor of popular
In this book, he makes the point that the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and the birth of steam and electricity saw human life transformed by new materials and technology. The period we are living in now can be defined as the Quantum Age, a revolution led by our understanding of the very small.
Technologies based on quantum physics account for some 35 per cent of GDP and quantum behaviour lies at the heart of every electronic device. Quantum biology explains how our ability to see, birds’ ability to navigate – and even plant photosynthesis relies directly on quantum effects.

Clegg makes the point that quantum theory, special and general relatively, are subjects that are often neglected in schools, in part because they are too difficult and in part because many teachers have little idea about them .
While it is ostensibly aimed at the general reader, Clegg’s book will undoubtedly be of most interest to those who already have a science leaning.