Dates for your business diary

Results, meetings, indicators etc

The Ebay offices in Dundalk. Photograph: Alan Betson

TODAY Results: Thorntons. Meetings: 2015 World Future Energy Summit (to Thurs, Abu Dhabi, UAE). Indicators: Euro zone current account (Nov); UK Rightmove house price index (Jan); Japanese consumer confidence index (Dec); OECD quarterly employment.

TOMORROW Results: Delta Air; Halliburton; Morgan Stanley; Johnson&Johnson; Netflix. Meetings: Global Airfinance Conference Dublin 2015 (to Thurs, Convention Centre Dublin). Indicators: Euro zone ZEW survey – economic sentiment (Jan); US NAHB housing market index (Jan); UK CBI industrial trends survey – orders (Jan); German ZEW survey – economic sentiment (Jan) and producer price index (Dec).

WEDNESDAY Results: American Express; Ebay; Sandisk. Meetings: World Economic Forum (to Sat, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland). Indicators: US housing starts (Dec) and building permits (Dec); UK ILO unemployment rate (Nov), average earnings including bonus (Nov); Bank of England minutes. Other: Bank of Japan press conference.

THURSDAY Results: BB&T. Meetings: ESRI Policy Seminar: “Firm growth, Credit Constraints and Financial Distress: A Cross-Border Study”; Dublin Chamber Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs event; National Power and Electricity Summit. Indicators: Euro zone Markit manufacturing and services PMI (Jan) and consumer confidence (Jan); US initial and continuing jobless claims, housing price index (Nov) and Markit manufacturing PMI (Jan); German Markit manufacturing PMI (Jan). Other: ECB interest rate decision, monetary policy statement and press conference.


FRIDAY Results: Bank NY Mellon. Indicators: Irish retail sales (Dec); US CB leading indicator (Dec) and existing home sales change (Dec); UK retail sales (Dec).