Results: Alcoa.
Indicators: Ulster Bank Construction PMI (Jun).

Other: Taylor Wimpey trading update.
Results: Abbey; Peregrine Pharmaceuticals.
Meetings: Launch of the Global Startup Gathering (Cork Airport, Cork).
Indicators: German inflation rate (Jun).
Other: Grafton Group trading update.
Results: Bank Mutual; Delta Air Lines.
Meetings: Macromarketing conference (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2); Workshop on fixing website SEO weaknesses (Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin 2); Wexford Chamber Brexit briefing (Ferrycarrig Hotel, Wexford).
Indicators: Japanese industrial production (May); Euro zone industrial production (May); US MBA mortgage applications (Jul 8); US monthly budget statement (Jun); Chinese balance of trade (Jun).
Results: BlackRock; JPMorgan Chase; Norwegian Air; Swatch Group.
Meetings: Providence Resources egm (Ballsbridge Hotel, Dublin 4); Women in Business event (CPA Institute, Dublin 2).
Indicators: Irish inflation rate (Jun); Irish GDP growth rate (Q1); US initial jobless claims (Jul 9).
Other: Bank of England interest rate decision.
Results: Citigroup; US Bancorp; Wells Fargo. Meetings: DCC agm (The InterContinental Hotel, Dublin 4).
Indicators: Chinese industrial production (Jun); Euro zone balance of trade (May); Euro zone inflation rate (Jun); UK construction output (May); US inflation rate (Jun); US retail sales (Jun); US manufacturing production (Jun); US industrial production (Jun).