Wage woes for the Bohs

Dublin-based soccer club made a loss of €67,000 last year on revenues of €708,000

Dublin-based Bohemians soccer club is probably just happy to be alive after recent deals with the council and its bankers over Dalymount Park freed it from most of its debts.

Accounts for 2014 filed this week, however, show the relative penury that still prevails for what was once one of Ireland’s top clubs.

Bohs made a loss of €67,000 on total revenues of €708,000, although the debt deal should nudge it back into the black this year due to lower interest costs.

Its 22 players were paid a total of just €155,000, or an average of €7,000 each. Even the average groundsman at Dalymount gets €33,000, according to the accounts.


Compare the Bohs players' wages to the reported £14 million (€18.9 million) annual salary of Manchester City's recent signing, Kevin De Bruyne.

The entire Bohs squad’s annual wage bill wouldn’t even pay De Bruyne for a single week, stretching only until sometime on the Thursday morning.

And De Bruyne is supposed to be the blue one?