TODAY Results: Delta Air Lines. Indicators: Japanese industrial production (Nov). TOMORROW Results: Bank of America; eBay; First Bancorp; IBM; Morgan Stanley; Netflix; Unilever. Indicators: Chinese industrial production (Dec); Chinese GDP growth rate (Q4); German inflation rate (Dec); euro zone inflation rate (Dec); UK inflation rate (Dec). WEDNESDAY Results: Bank of Greece; Fairchild Semiconductor International; Goldman Sachs. Indicators: UK unemployment rate (Nov); US housing starts (Dec); US inflation rate (Dec); US MBA mortgage applications (Jan 15). THURSDAY Results: American Express; Bank of New York Mellon; Schlumberger; Starbucks; Verizon Communications. Meetings: Empowering Your Digital Future event (Clarion Hotel, Cork); What Does 2016 Hold for Real Estate in Ireland?' breakfast (Royal College of Physicians, D2). Indicators: euro zone consumer confidence (Jan). Other: Royal Mail update; Premier Foods update; ECB interest rate decision. FRIDAY Results: General Electric; SAP. Meetings: Institute of Directors' spring lunch (Shelbourne Hotel). Indicators: UK retail sales (Dec); UK public sector net borrowing (Dec); US Chicago Fed national activity index (Dec).
For your diary
A round up of business events happening this week