TODAY Results: Oracle. Indicators: US industrial production (August). TOMORROW Results: Adobe Systems; and General Mills. Meetings: Fastnet Oil and Gas Dublin shareholders' meeting (Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin). Indicators: Euro zone ZEW survey on economic sentiment and German ZEW survey on economic sentiment (September); US producer price index (August). Other: Bank of England quarterly report. WEDNESDAY Results: FedEx; Smiths Group. Meetings: Corporate restructuring summit (Convention Centre Dublin). Indicators: Euro zone consumer price index (August); US consumer price index (August). Other: US Federal Reserve interest rate decision; UK claimant count rate (August); UK ILO unemployment Rate (July); DS Smith interim management statement. THURSDAY Results: French Connection; Petra Diamonds. Meetings: Diageo agm (Mermaid Conference Centre, London); Ibec president's dinner (RDS, Dublin 4). Other: S&P second review of Greece; Scottish independence vote. FRIDAY Results: Prada. Meetings: Masterclass on innovative growth strategies (UCD Smurfit School, Dublin).
For your diary
A round-up of other business events happening this week