FOOD CHILL IS in a position which many Irish businesses will recognise - challenging situations in the short term which are affecting longer-term plans. Let's look at the short term first. The key challenge the company faces is to stabilise and solidify the core Irish and UK operations.
For senior management, the issue is to access the most accurate, up-to-date information. The company already has a large number of reporting tools at its disposal. However, these are not integrated. Food Chill could use collaboration technologies such as Microsoft SharePoint to create a common information portal to bring reports from different tools together, using simple graphical formatting techniques such as traffic light indicators and charts to make it easy to understand the current status. While this answers the immediate needs, I'd agree with the IT manager that eventually a more comprehensive and integrated solution will be required.
For the sales team, very basic things - such as ensuring they have up-to-date pricing and proposal information when currencies are fluctuating - are really important. Microsoft SharePoint can help here too, by ensuring everyone knows one location in which all documentation and information around pricing is stored. Automated alerts are sent when price lists are updated so everyone is aware of key changes.
Next, let's look at the export opportunities. One key issue the company needs to consider is market size in the Spanish and Portuguese ex-pat communities. They are probably far smaller than the local markets in Ireland and the UK, so it is important to invest appropriately for the scale of the opportunity. Assuming the management deems it worthwhile, the key issue in expanding is to ensure that it works effectively and sales progress happens quickly.
Oliver has seen how time-consuming it can be to travel to set up these new export markets and he is concerned about the continuing demands on his time. The good news is that there is a range of low-cost video-conferencing tools available, such as Microsoft's Office Communicator, LiveMeeting and Roundtable. These make it easy and cost-effective to run video conferencing as an everyday occurrence, without setting up specialised infrastructure.
Companies typically see an immediate return of 500 per cent on investments in these technologies by reducing travel costs and associated downtime, not to mention the additional green credentials they offer.
Finally, to save costs, we would recommend that the IT manager takes a look at Microsoft's "Simple to Save" modelling for Food Chill. Using real-world experience from many thousands of companies across the world, it could create a powerful report for Food Chill showing all the areas where IT can help reduce costs and improve performance. To find out more visit microsoft.ie/business.
- Richard Moore