Brexit: 4% of inbound trucks from Britain ‘red-routed’ at ports for inspection

More than 186,500 freight vehicle movements at Dublin and Rosslare ports since Brexit

Freight movement figures for the first six months of Brexit show that the vast majority of trucks transited without checks or delays. File photograph: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

One in every 25 lorry travelling entering the State from Britain were "red-routed" for physical inspections at Dublin and Rosslare ports since Brexit in January, new figures show.

The Revenue Commissioners said that there have been more than 186,500 freight vehicle movements into the country from Britain through the two ports since January 1st.

Freight movement figures for the first six months of Brexit show that the vast majority of trucks transited without checks or delays: 84 per cent were “green-routed” on arrival meaning they passed through the ports without any interaction with the Revenue or any other State agency.

Some 12 per cent were “orange-routed” meaning the goods needed a documentary check or similar control, while 4 per cent were “red-routed” requiring a physical examination or inspection.


Revenue Commissioner Gerard Harrahill, the director general of customs, described the change in trading arrangements with Britain in the past six months as "significant and permanent" with goods being unable to move seamlessly from Britain as they had pre-Brexit.

Enormous progress

He acknowledged that businesses had made enormous progress in adapting to the new border customs requirements since Brexit came into effect at the start of the year.

Many were trading with or through Britain or had changed supply chains or supply routes to eliminate the need for compliance with customs and other regulatory formalities, he said.

“It’s important to note that certain goods requiring a check does not necessarily equate to non-compliance with the new formalities. Mandatory checks for certain types of goods are now simply a reality of trading with Great Britain,” said Mr Harrahill.

The Revenue said that it had participated in 36 trade webinar events since the start of January giving advice to more than 6,6000 attendees.

Mr Harrahill said that from engagement with businesses and trade bodies Revenue had been to make “enhancements” to roll-on, roll-off customs checks that have helped provide information to parties in the supply chain and automate key messages to hauliers and ferry operators.

“While it is not and will not be possible to eliminate the operation of formalities and checks, the enhancements have minimised, in so far as possible, some of the challenges first faced in January last,” he said.

While many businesses had adapted to the new requirements, it was aware that some businesses continued to be challenged dealing with the new customs and regulations, it said.

The Revenue, the Department of Agriculture and the Health Service Executive are holding a webinar on July 7th to help businesses understand customs controls and other formalities.

“Over the last six months, all the stakeholders including the State agencies have experienced the practical and everyday challenges brought about by the UK’s departure from the EU,” said Mr Harrahill.

“We are using this webinar as a forum for sharing these experiences to outline how things like ensuring your supply chain operates and functions as an integrated whole can minimise potential delays.”

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell is News Editor of The Irish Times