Gallery: Day 4 of the AIB Start-up Academy

The 11 finalists are introduced to sales and negotiation by this week’s mentor, Sean Weafer

The AIB Start-up Academy is an intensive eight week training programme run by Irish Times Training with a tailored focus on driving start-up companies. On Monday, February 16, all 11 finalists entered their fourth week of modules with a day-long session on sales and negotiation.

The finalists were introduced to sales and negotiation by this week's coach Sean Weafer (results-driven coach and speaker on networking, business and practice growth, client retention and sales strategy). The module covered advanced client meeting management and creating compelling business messages. Candidates learned the importance of asking questions and had the opportunity to practice their influencing techniques.

The next module, marketing and mastering the funnel, will take place on Monday, February 23, with coach Lisa Hughes (Irish Times Training and leader of publishing and messaging strategy at Digital Reach). Jim Miley, the Business to Consumer Director at The Irish Times, will act as mentor on the day.