Do you own a small hospitality business? We would like to hear your thoughts on challenges for the sector

Those in the sector point to sharp increases in the cost of doing business

Many people running hospitality businesses are expressing frustration with the rising costs. Photograph; iStock
Many people running hospitality businesses are expressing frustration with the rising costs. Photograph; iStock

Many people running hospitality businesses are expressing frustration with the rising costs of doing business and what they see as a relative lack of support from the Government.

In particular people running pubs and resturaunts have sector have been critical of the Government decision not to reduce VAT rate back to 9 per cent in the budget, and some have described a €4,000 grant to help with energy costs, as insufficient.

Those in the sector point to the increase in minimum wage and the national pension rollout scheme as examples of rising costs they are facing, while at the same time, some consumers facing cost of living increases are reporting that they have cut down on how often they go out.

We would like to hear from owners or operators of hospitality businesses in Ireland and about your experience of managing a hospitality business. How has your business changed since before Covid, are customers’ socialising patterns changing and what future do you see for your business and the industry.


You can share your experience using the form below. A selection of the responses may be published in The Irish Times.