The global picture for the Irish economy darkens

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The Irish economy has "less room for error" as the global picture darkens, according to Ibec. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/ Collins Photos

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Irish economic policy now has less room for error amid changes in the global economy that are likely to bring heightened uncertainty to exporters, business group Ibec has warned. Laura Slattery has the details.

Construction activity expanded in March for the first time in nine months, the latest index for the sector from BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland indicates. Laura has the story.

We’ve heard the stories about students using AI tools to cheat on their assignments. Pilita Clark though says the problem is much worse than we thing.

Ireland is the country of honour at this year’s Hainan Expo, a key trade fair for firm’s accessing the Chinese market. Denis Staunton is on the ground, and spoke to Irish business people looking to crack the huge market.


What is the true state of play for small businesses? Despite suggestions the sector is in crisis, SIPTU General Secretary Joe Cunningham says the issue has been manufactured to hurt workers.

Two 15-year-old students from Presentation College Carlow have beaten competition from more than 2,000 second-level students across the country in the Irish finals of European Money Quiz and will now head to Brussels to represent Ireland. Laura reports.

Did Ireland overplay the threat from Brexit? Eoin Burke-Kennedy asks a key question of the last eight years.

What impact could the widening war in the Middle East have on markets? There are a lot of questions which would be answered today.

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