National Lottery and gambling ads, RTÉ defers hit shows, and influencers and their tax bills

The best news, analysis and comment from The Irish Times business desk

The Young Offenders, featuring Dominic MacHale, Hilary Rose and Alex Murphy. The co-production will be available to audiences on BBC this year but won't hit RTÉ's schedules until 2025 for financial reasons. Photograph: BBC/Vico Films/Miki Barlok

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A high-level Oireachtas committee is questioning why proposed legal curbs on gambling advertising do not apply to the National Lottery. Barry O’Halloran reports.

Some Irish executives believe their business will not survive another decade if it continues on its current path against a backdrop of increasing technological disruption and climate transition-related challenges, PwC research has found. Ian Curran has the details.

In our personal finance feature this week, Fiona Reddan explains how the growing band of Irish Influencers are having to wise up to potential threat of a tax bill from Revenue if they don’t properly declare their incomes and gifts. Some 142 influencers received a notice from Revenue last year. If you’d like to read more about the issues that affect your finances try signing up to On the Money, the weekly newsletter from our personal finance team, which will be issued every Friday to Irish Times subscribers.

In our second Q&A of the week, a couple heading for their 80s wonder about the implications for a possible Fair Deal application if they sign over an investment property in a university town to their six grandchildren, who are currently still in school.


In her weekly media column, Laura Slattery explains why RTÉ has decided to defer showing some hit co-productions until next year, while those same shows will be available to Irish audiences on BBC.

Childcare funding should be extended to parents using minders, accountancy body Chartered Accountants Ireland has said. Ellen O’Regan reports.

Recent changes to leases by student accommodation providers here is bad news for college goers and flies in the face of what those same companies are doing in some other markets. Cantillon explains why.

In Me & My Money, Cherie White, a costume designer and maker, tells Tony Clayton-Lea why a humble coffee in the sun with a friend will always be her “top purchase”.

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