Are LGBT people born that way? It’s unclearA controversial study of sexuality and gender claims to focus solely on the scientific evidenceTue Oct 18 2016 - 00:00
William Reville: Eugenics is wrong about Down syndromeHow do people with Down syndrome feel when they hear predictions of the elimination of their kind?Wed Oct 05 2016 - 14:30
Could a chimpanzee be guilty of murder?Since 95 per cent of human DNA is identical to that of a chimpanzee, do chimps have a sense of morality?Thu Sept 15 2016 - 10:27
William Reville: Copernicus might have been wrong about EarthA computer model has found Earth to be uniquely suited to life among 700 million trillion terrestrial planetsThu Sept 01 2016 - 01:00
The futility of vaginal speakers for the unbornDespite an industry around it, no research data shows that playing music to babies in the womb will boost IQThu Aug 18 2016 - 12:28
Dark energy: the repulsive force that is pulling the universe apartThree different hypotheses of dark energy predict different futures for our universeThu Aug 04 2016 - 01:00
Opposition to GM food is killing poor peopleGolden rice could save lives in developing countries, but activists continue to resist it in the face of the evidenceThu Jul 21 2016 - 11:19
Apocalypse soon? It’s more likely than you thinkThe risk of extinction in the next 100 years is 9.5 per cent – how seriously should we take this?Thu Jul 07 2016 - 16:18
William Reville: Powerful lessons on life from the HolocaustViktor Frankl studied people in concentration camps who found ways to keep going despite their dire situationThu Jun 16 2016 - 10:30
William Reville: Fraud is now the biggest enemy of scienceScientists are not required to subscribe to any universal code of ethics. This needs to changeThu Jun 02 2016 - 01:00
Why is Europe losing the will to breed?Despite Europe’s wonderful heritage, the continent is losing faith in itself, and birth rates have collapsedThu May 19 2016 - 11:27
William Reville: A dangerous censorship takes hold on campusTrigger warnings and other student-drive trends in universities will do much more harm than goodThu May 05 2016 - 10:11
William Reville: Could smoking licence sound the death knell of tobacco?We license the use of all other drugs that can be dangerous if improperly used – why not tobacco?Thu Apr 21 2016 - 08:20
William Reville: Is there life beyond Earth?Based on current understanding of how our planet formed, the answer is almost inevitably yesThu Apr 07 2016 - 10:47
William Reville: Overweight but fit is healthier than thin but unfitMeasuring a person’s body-mass index is not the most reliable way of assessing their healthMon Mar 14 2016 - 11:40
William Reville: Forgiveness is healthier than holding a grudgeResearch suggests that forgiving people can bring peace, happiness and emotional wellbeingThu Mar 03 2016 - 11:27
The future: health sensors that dissolve in the bodyImplanted devices are being developed that can feed health data to a computer and then disappearThu Feb 18 2016 - 01:00
William Reville: Activists are wrong about GM food and ChernobylWhen it comes to the safety of GM crops and the effects of the Chernobyl disaster, environmental campaigners ignore the factsThu Feb 04 2016 - 10:36
The myths about vaccination debunkedThe value of vaccination is long proven but fears still exist, leading the WHO to correct the misconceptionsThu Jan 21 2016 - 11:43
William Reville: Nuclear fusion efforts are being energised by the private sectorSerious progress is being made with nuclear fusion, which has huge potential for generating clean energyThu Jan 07 2016 - 01:00
William Reville: The hidden psychology of ChristmasOne study suggests that family and spiritual activities make people more satisfied than the material aspectsThu Dec 17 2015 - 01:00
William Reville: Transplants from pigs to people might not be far offIt may become possible soon to harvest large supplies of organs from genetically engineered pigsThu Dec 03 2015 - 10:49
William Reville: Controversy over stem cells could be at an endA new technique may negate the need to use human embryos to create stem cellsSun Nov 15 2015 - 06:00
A likely explanation for alien abductionsMany people sincerely believe they have had such experiences, but there might be a simple reasonThu Nov 05 2015 - 01:00
Long live the fidgeters – possibly literallyDelaying retirement, taking exercise and fidgeting while sitting might contribute to good healthThu Oct 15 2015 - 05:00
William Reville: Maybe our brains aren’t so important after allA discovery in the 1970s challenged ideas about how the brain works. So why did medical science ignore it?Thu Oct 01 2015 - 01:00
William Reville: Beware of faddish teaching methods that scorn ‘rote learning’So-called ‘drilling’ teaching methods may be unpopular nowadays, but they have been proven effectiveSun Sept 13 2015 - 06:00
William Reville: The psychological benefits of going on holidayGetting away from the daily grind is good for your health, but it’s important to avoid that smartphoneThu Sept 03 2015 - 06:00
An age-old dilemma: how to live for longer? | William RevilleAbout 80 per cent of the factors that determine ageing are not genetic; we can exercise control over themThu Aug 20 2015 - 15:31
William Reville: Is the liberal agenda based on a delusion?The freedom pendulum has swung too far, and the assumption about humans’ innate goodness is flawedThu Aug 06 2015 - 10:27
Bad news for so-called logical thinkers | William RevilleIt seems we are all susceptible to illogical thinking, including scientists and philosophersThu Jul 30 2015 - 16:50
William Reville: Fears about GM crops are not backed up by the factsGM foods are widely misunderstood by the public. They offer advantages that we forgo at our perilThu Jul 02 2015 - 02:00
William Reville: Something has gone very wrong with scienceThe modern world depends on science, but as much as half of the literature may not be fit for purposeThu Jun 18 2015 - 03:00
William Reville: The likely cause of the ‘rise’ in autismIt seems that most of the apparent increase in autism spectrum disorder is down to reporting practicesThu Jun 04 2015 - 10:23
Why you should never short-change a monkeyWe humans share an innate sense of fairness – and of righteous grievance – with other primatesThu May 21 2015 - 01:00
How music helps us to navigate a world full of conflictsOne hypothesis is that music helps us to reconcile our conflicted emotions when making choicesThu May 07 2015 - 01:00
Loneliness: the next big global health problem?It is predicted that loneliness could reach epidemic proportions by 2030 – and it is very bad for your healthThu Apr 16 2015 - 06:00
Belief in the multiverse: a form of blind faith?Physics and cosmology have veered down a non-scientific cul-de-sac, a leading physicist has arguedThu Apr 02 2015 - 10:07
Is there such a thing as a safe dosage of alcohol?Risks associated with high consumption are clear, but research shows mild drinking can have benefitsThu Mar 19 2015 - 11:45
The reason why modern teaching methods don’t workWhole-class teaching, in which childern learn to use their long-term memory, has been abandoned for a more personalised, naturalistic approach, and it’s been a disasterMon Mar 02 2015 - 10:11
Not enough running – and too much – is bad for your healthEven a little regular exercise can boost your health, but beware: pushing your body too hard is damagingThu Feb 19 2015 - 01:00
Why are so many social scientists left-liberal?A study argues that more diversity among academics would improve social psychology researchThu Feb 05 2015 - 01:00
George Boole at the intersection of science and faithThe research of the ‘father of pure mathematics’ was significantly motivated by his faithThu Jan 15 2015 - 01:00
How did humans come to dominate the Earth?Studies suggest that co-operation played a far bigger role than aggression, but is that to underestimate our bloodlust?Thu Dec 18 2014 - 10:31
William Reville: Let’s be mindful about the benefits of meditationMeditation can be helpful, but its efficacy depends on the ends for which it is usedThu Dec 04 2014 - 01:00
After death, is there light at the end of the tunnel?Resuscitation medicine can now revive people who have been dead for hours, and some of them have intriguing stories to tellThu Nov 20 2014 - 01:00
Ireland could benefit from greenhouse gas findingResearch indicates carbon emissions from grasslands are much smaller than current calculationsThu Nov 06 2014 - 01:00
The damage done by misconduct in scienceLoss of public trust will be the most serious consequence if misconduct is not eliminatedThu Oct 16 2014 - 01:00
The Greek island whose happy people ‘forget to die’It’s no myth: on Ikaria a mix of contentment, diet and social interaction extend life well beyond the normThu Oct 02 2014 - 11:20
Unleashing some of the genius that lies withinAre all brains preloaded with a reservoir of remarkable abilities that are lying dormant?Thu Sept 18 2014 - 01:00