Political will is the key to tackling world povertyWORLD VIEW: 'Make poverty history' is an excellent sloganSat Feb 05 2005 - 00:00
EU has to learn new skills as it tries to tackle Ukraine crisisWorldview: The common European cultural space cannot be firmly defined and delimited; its borders are necessarily open, not …Sat Dec 04 2004 - 00:00
Trade not politics key to restoring EU-US harmonyWorldView: President Jacques Chirac said yesterday at the European Council in Brussels that "Europe today has more than ever…Sat Nov 06 2004 - 00:00
New ground broken in identifying myths about cultural diversityWORLD VIEW: The United Nations Human Development report for 2004 published this month has received a good deal of attention …Sat Jul 31 2004 - 01:00
A European polity is struggling to find an identityWorld View: Only connect, said E.M. Forster. Two cheers for democracy, he addedSat Jun 19 2004 - 01:00
EU picks up the pieces in Middle East after Iraq warWorld View/Paul Gillespie: One year on from the Iraq war, Arab leaders this week cancelled an Arab League summit due to be held…Sat Apr 03 2004 - 01:00
Solidarity and multiculturalism reconsidered World ViewIssues of cultural and regional diversity in large developed states have become major themes in contemporary political debate…Sat Mar 13 2004 - 00:00
EU security: the real facts, pleaseWorld View: During his current visit to the Middle East to meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders Brian Cowen told RTÉ that the…Sat Jan 17 2004 - 00:00
EU's core did not bargain for such disarrayWorld View: 'That's a real question," said President Chirac at his press conference after the EU summit in Brussels last weekend…Sat Dec 20 2003 - 00:00
Turkey and EU face decisions crucial to Mediterranean worldWorld View: 'This tribe has always moved westwards and never looked backSat Nov 22 2003 - 00:00
The world according to GoogleWorld View: Since it was introduced in 1999, the Google Internet search engine has swept all before it to become the most used…Sat Nov 15 2003 - 00:00
EU must avoid the pitfalls of history as it extends its bordersWorld View: 'Borders are history's scarsSat Nov 01 2003 - 00:00
A healthy regard for referendumsWorld View: Recalls, referendums and citizens' initiatives have been in the news this week, from California to Poland, France…Sat Oct 11 2003 - 01:00
'Groupthink' has led to unfolding Iraq disasterWorldview: 'We are in the nastiest rat's nest without a nation-building plan, without significant international support and …Sat Sept 06 2003 - 01:00
Considering the challenging views of 'new unionists'WORLDVIEW: Four major issues loom in Northern Ireland after the the holiday season's comparative calm, belying the picture of…Sat Aug 23 2003 - 01:00
Revolutionary ideas for global justiceGlobalisation In 1994, US corporations inflicted an estimated $2Sat Jul 26 2003 - 01:00
Union not in 'business of regime change'The EU foreign policy chief, Mr Javier Solana, says "it is up to the peoples of countries" with failed states "to change their…Sat Jun 21 2003 - 01:00
Coherent EU foreign policy would provide counter to US powerWORLD VIEW: Now that the UN has passed a resolution lifting sanctions against Iraq, it seems a good time to make an initial …Sat May 24 2003 - 01:00
US courts the new Europe, snubs the oldWORLD VIEW: The German position is seen to foreshadow a stronger axis within the EU on foreign policy issues, writes Paul Gillespie…Sat Feb 01 2003 - 00:00
Franco-German proposal for dual EU presidency alarms small statesThe recent Chirac-Schröder joint proposal looks to many much more like an agreement to disagree than a really workable compromise…Thu Jan 23 2003 - 00:00
Home thoughts on abroadIn his foundational work on Irish foreign policy - A Place Among the Nations: Issues in Irish Foreign Policy (1978) - Patrick…Sat Nov 16 2002 - 00:00
Arguments for and against Nice publishedForty contributions by prominent Irish campaigners for and against the Nice Treaty are made available in an accessible and user…Fri Sept 27 2002 - 01:00
Political and economic isolation the likely price of a second No to NiceIRELAND: How should an enlarged European Union organise politics and the European political area? Would this enlargement unite…Sat Sept 14 2002 - 01:00
Second No would 'disappoint' PolandPoland's minister for European affairs said in Dublin yesterday that a second Irish No to the Nice Treaty would be "a huge and…Fri Sept 06 2002 - 01:00
Nice Treaty will not result in lost money, power, libertyWorld View: Material interests are commonly assumed to dominate and explain political behaviourSat Jul 13 2002 - 01:00
Another No vote on Nice would jeopardise Ireland's influenceLatvia won the Eurovision Song Contest last Saturday nightSat Jun 01 2002 - 01:00
Abstention allowed Le Pen through by defaultWORLD VIEW: Jean-Marie Le Pen won his famous victory in the first round of the French presidential elections by default rather…Mon Apr 29 2002 - 01:00
Powell's Middle East mission widely recognised as a poisoned chaliceWORLD VIEW: The Middle East has both the capacity to rupture EU-US relations and develop the European security regimeSat Apr 13 2002 - 01:00
'A federation of nation states' is an alternative vision for an enlarged European UnionWORLD VIEW: Radical change is sometimes necessary to ensure things remain the sameSat Mar 02 2002 - 00:00
Few spheres where US can act alone - HaassWORLD VIEW: Realistristically, there are few international spheres in which the US has the capacity to go it alone, despite …Sat Jan 19 2002 - 00:00
Declaration puts the citizen firstThe Laeken Declaration on the Future of the European Union is a brisk and readable document which reflects its origins in a lively…Mon Dec 17 2001 - 00:00
EU to play role in stabilising AfghanistanThe European Council decided to participate in the international efforts to restore stability to Afghanistan, based on the recent…Mon Dec 17 2001 - 00:00
Task is to overcome the wave of apathyIgnorance, indifference and dissatisfaction emerge from recent opinion polls as the predominant Irish attitudes towards the European…Sat Dec 15 2001 - 00:00
The drumbeat of European dissatisfaction . . .A drumbeat of European dissatisfaction with the US-led war in Afghanistan built up this weekSat Dec 01 2001 - 00:00
Political phase in Afghanistan conflict tops agendaA week of dramatic military change in Afghanistan puts the next, political, phase of the conflict urgently in the international…Sat Nov 17 2001 - 00:00
North's conflict now framed by international eventsThe Northern Ireland conflict has been framed by international events as well as national onesSat Oct 27 2001 - 01:00
Switzerland's position is instructive in the debate on military neutralityWhere stands Ireland's military neutrality after the events of September 11th? According to Brian Cowen, although we are not …Sat Oct 13 2001 - 01:00
Ireland, Europe and Blair's vision of a reordered world'The critics will say: but how can the world be a community? Nations act in their own self-interest. Of course they doSat Oct 06 2001 - 01:00
Tobin tax on capital movements attracting growing supportThe ability to determine the agenda of decision-making is a crucial ingredient of political power in national or international…Sat Sept 01 2001 - 01:00
Process of equalisation between Europe, US underway with global rebalancingA profound process of equalisation is under way between Europe and the United StatesSat Aug 11 2001 - 01:00
Forum can play vital role in clarifying EU attitudes".....If we want to increase democratic control we have to find better ways of connecting the national political institutions…Sat Jul 28 2001 - 01:00
Ireland and UK both face profound debate on future in EUIn the confusion that has followed rejection of the Nice Treaty there has not been much public discussion of its implications…Sat Jun 30 2001 - 01:00
McDowell focuses on key issue for future of EuropeMichael McDowell raised a central question about the future of European integration in his provocative address to the Institute…Sat Jun 23 2001 - 01:00
Agenda reflects growing presence on world sceneA wide-ranging foreign policy agenda adopted at the summit reflects Sweden's activism during its presidency and the growing EU…Mon Jun 18 2001 - 01:00
National Forum on Europe needs to be well resourced to reconnect electorate with EUThat the Irish electorate's rejection of the Nice Treaty is a shock to Europe just as much as to the Irish political establishment…Sat Jun 16 2001 - 01:00
Tougher stand required from Yes camp to ensure victory`A soft Yes and a hard No". So was the Nice referendum described this week by a Government ministerSat Jun 02 2001 - 01:00
Calls for radical talks to redefine EuropeThe Nice Treaty commits EU member-states to a continuing process of negotiation on the political shape and capacity of the Union…Wed May 30 2001 - 01:00
Fischer provides a framework to discuss highly political questionWe have three possibilities - intergovernmentalism, federalism or a federation of nation-statesSat May 19 2001 - 01:00
Cowen says Ireland proud of role as EU model stateResponding to Mr Fischer, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, said he had come to know his German colleague well at EU…Tue May 01 2001 - 01:00
Journalism's role vital in a society based on informationIn a complex world flooded with information, journalists and journalism have an increasingly important role as monitors, selectors…Sat Apr 14 2001 - 01:00