Population growth is part of migrant crisisDeeper engagement with fragile states is required as population pressures increaseSat Sept 26 2015 - 05:45
Paul Gillespie: Times of crisis are times of opportunity – for citizens and elites“The time when the old cannot yet die and the new cannot yet emerge are the times of monsters” – like the existing EU systemSat Sept 12 2015 - 01:00
Paul Gillespie: China’s economic challenges have global effect‘Much of the world’s future will depend on how this transition happens and how it is organised’Sat Aug 29 2015 - 03:01
Paul Gillespie: Syria’s civil war sends waves of migrants to Kos and beyond‘US and British governments were unable to intervene decisively because of hostile public opinion after Iraq and Afghanistan’Sat Aug 15 2015 - 02:00
Paul Gillespie: Dangers of climate change are getting more attention‘Nineteen per cent of the world’s richest populations is responsible for 73 per cent of carbon output’Sat Aug 01 2015 - 04:10
Paul Gillespie: A rerun of the Treaty of Versailles or of Brest-Litovsk?Too soon to see in Greek ‘surrender’ an historical turning pointSat Jul 18 2015 - 01:08
Britain at crossroads, in danger of stumbling into a breakupScotland and EU debates open up federalising challenges, but no-one’s biting ...Sat Jul 04 2015 - 01:10
Nationalist forces in Greece and Turkey could thrive if Greek deal fails‘If Greece were to face economic collapse, and exit from the euro zone or even from the EU after the failure of these talks, the impact on Turkey would be large’Sat Jun 20 2015 - 01:00
Paul Gillespie: 200th anniversary of Battle of Waterloo raises intriguing questionWellington remained proud of his Irish heritage: in 1807-09, he first voiced his opposition to the penal laws against CatholicsSat Jun 06 2015 - 03:30
Paul Gillespie: Why equal doesn’t have to mean identical in marriage vote‘Various political philosophies have struggled with the issue of how to reconcile definitions of equality as identity with the human experience of individual difference’Sat May 23 2015 - 00:01
Paul Gillespie: A new vision for the European UnionHas EU become more a museum than a laboratory of change?Sat May 09 2015 - 01:00
Ireland needs to prepare for looming UK breakup or reformPaul Gillespie: Scottish issue becomes toxic in British election debateSat Apr 25 2015 - 03:00
Access to water supply will be a defining issue of 21st centuryPlanet could be facing a 40 per cent water shortfall by 2030, says UnescoSat Apr 11 2015 - 01:30
Washington must address changing balance of power in Asia‘Failure to stop allies joining Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a substantial political setback for Washington’Sat Mar 28 2015 - 01:00
Can Obama secure a regional deal from nuclear agreement with Iran?US President would be helped along if Netanyahu loses next week’s Israeli elections, as now looks possibleSat Mar 14 2015 - 01:00
Varoufakis highlights battle between rules and macroeconomics at the euro group table‘The success of macroeconomists such as Varoufakis will be judged by the precedents they set in inspiring others over that longer term’Sat Feb 28 2015 - 01:00
Weighing up a policy of deterrence versus a policy of appeasement in UkraineMerkel is correct: it would be illogical to arm Ukraine without being willing to go to warSat Feb 14 2015 - 00:01
Syriza’s success marks not only a left rebellion but an economists’ one as wellAlexis Tsipras’s European internationalism can be a material factor if it encourages support for similar policies in forthcoming Spanish, Portuguese and Irish electionsSat Jan 31 2015 - 00:01
Time for the North to consider a federal deal with Dublin?The East-West dynamic was clearly visible in the just-concluded Northern negotiationsSat Jan 03 2015 - 00:01
How will latest street protests change party structures in Ireland and beyond?‘Compared to the scale and intensity of protest movements in Greece, Iceland, Spain, Italy or France the Irish ones have undoubtedly been weaker until this year’Mon Dec 22 2014 - 11:11
Why it has been a bad week for Vladimir PutinWorld View: It seems better to preserve an analytical detachment, rather than plumping for either camp on the assumption that a new Cold War is indeed in the makingSun Dec 07 2014 - 12:00
How does Wales fit in to shifting United Kingdom?Opinion: Welsh first minister Carwyn Jones proposed a constitutional convention on the UK’s futureSat Nov 22 2014 - 05:59
Welcome to the precariat: a new class bornOpinion: ‘According to economist Guy Standing, this precariat is recruited from working class, migrants, ethnic minorities and the new youthful well-educated who can’t find work’Sat Nov 08 2014 - 00:01
United under a European roofWhat have been the consequences of German unification for Europe and the world?Thu Nov 06 2014 - 06:00
The United Kingdom faces a dual sovereignty problem over the next decadeOpinion: Government and peoples must choose how to deliver on promise of deeper devolution to Scotland and whether to withdraw from the EUSat Oct 25 2014 - 00:01
Europe will need migrants in the future, so why is it shutting them out?Opinion: ‘Recent moves in some EU member-states to criminalise those who help refugees make matters worse’Sat Oct 11 2014 - 00:01
Naomi Klein applauds climate change demonstration as the start of a worldwide popular resistance movementOpinion: Politics must be reinvented to cope with the pace of global warmingSat Sept 27 2014 - 00:01
Referendum is a step towards a ‘post-sovereign’ ScotlandOpinion: Scottish political scientist Michael Keating uses term ‘post-sovereign’ to describe the emergent political and social condition of life beyond the traditional nation-stateSat Sept 13 2014 - 00:01
Has Europe’s social model disappeared?Opinion: Mark Blyth calls on the ECB to provide a credit line for 80 per cent of the EU’s taxpayers to kickstart growthSun Aug 31 2014 - 12:01
US should look towards a deal with IranOpinion: ‘Grand bargain’ dismissed by Bush administration in the euphoria of the invasionSun Aug 17 2014 - 12:01
‘Thoughtful wishing’ and seeing like an anarchistOpinion: Food for thought: from Hirschman to ScottSat Aug 02 2014 - 00:01
EU must not leave Asian relations to the USOpinion: For the most part, European states have no security presence in AsiaSun Jul 20 2014 - 01:00
If you could start a new life, where would you choose?Opinion: Just 19 per cent of Irish people would choose IrelandSun Jul 06 2014 - 12:01
Turbulence in the Middle EastOpinion: US military reintervention would deepen existing divisionsSun Jun 22 2014 - 12:01
Why we need to keep track of the pivots and polesOpinion: We now have a Russian pivot to Asia in the form of a gas deal signed by Vladimir Putin on a visit to BeijingSat Jun 07 2014 - 00:01
Beware the trumpeting of triumphalist EuroscepticismOpinion: Turnout change is the key thing to watchSat May 24 2014 - 08:39
New divisions and tensions in EuropeOpinion: How can the EU become more effective?Sat May 10 2014 - 00:01
An ethical look at climate changeWorld View: Inequality is built into consumption globally as well as nationallySun Apr 27 2014 - 12:01
Inequality grows as world’s rich get much richerWorld View: Piketty warns of swing towards oligarchySat Apr 12 2014 - 12:01
Key votes on EU and Scotland will impact IrelandOutcome of two key referendums will shape future British- Irish relationsFri Apr 04 2014 - 01:05
Ukraine crisis puts it up to EuropeWorld View: Declining European military spending is a longer-standing US complaintSat Mar 29 2014 - 12:01
Energy policy shift tests Anglo-Irish relationshipWorld View: Three-month window on wind energy dealSat Mar 15 2014 - 00:01
Ukrainian upheaval will recast EuropeOpinion: Role of German, French and Polish foreign ministers was highly significantSun Mar 02 2014 - 00:01
Scottish decision will recast Irish-UK linksOpinion: A vote for independence would be a traumatic jolt for the DUP in particularSat Feb 15 2014 - 00:01
Foreign policy review a good opportunity for citizens to raise issues of concernOpinion: Ireland has been described as a first world country with a third world memorySun Jan 26 2014 - 00:01
Germany may have to choose between ‘sound money’ and the euro’s survivalOpinion: Barroso and Draghi at odds on whether the crisis can yet be said to be overSun Jan 12 2014 - 00:01
Political science should not be too distinct from public policymakingOpinion: There is an argument in favour of allowing academics to pursue their own intellectual interestsSat Dec 28 2013 - 01:01
Much regional variation in performance of European populist right partiesOpinion: Consolidation without further integration could mean a period of stagnation, some economists argueSun Dec 15 2013 - 00:01
Decisions before Scottish electorate are full of consequence for Ireland tooOpinion: The case for staying within the UK is uncannily similar to that for Britain staying in the EUSat Nov 30 2013 - 00:01