Paul Gillespie: The west must wean itself off unsustainable growthIf everyone was to live like the average US citizen we would need five planetsSat Aug 19 2017 - 05:00
EU-style integration not only response to globalisationAsean model stands up well compared to EU supranationalist integrationSat Aug 05 2017 - 05:00
Worldview: The authoritarian-left is the sleeping giant of Irish politicsOver half of Sinn Féin voters and a third of independent voters fall into this categorySat Jul 22 2017 - 05:00
World View: Migration coverage is polarised and narrowA new study shows how reporting often reduces migrant experiences to stereotypesSat Jul 08 2017 - 05:00
Brexit will force creative thinking on status of NorthHard or soft? Complex Ireland question is the opportunity for a less binary approachSat Jun 24 2017 - 05:00
World View: All change in the multipolar worldThe US retreat from global leadership raises challenges for the EU and ChinaSat Jun 10 2017 - 05:00
Chinese plan for new Silk Road drives unease in WestPaul Gillespie: Belt and Road initiative a potential pivot of geopolitical changeSat May 27 2017 - 05:00
Germany must meet Macron’s demands or see Le Pen win next timeChance to revive constructive politics at European level and confront populistsSat May 13 2017 - 05:00
Culture unites more than divides Europe and MediterraneanPaul Gillespie: Survey explores negative stereotyping by populist movementsSat Apr 29 2017 - 05:00
Trump performs U-turns but has not changedPaul Gillespie: US president remains an opportunistic populist despite policy shiftsThu Apr 20 2017 - 16:41
Brexit offers Ireland opportunities as well as threatsWorldview: Strengths and weaknesses of Irish economy and political system will be crystalisedSat Apr 01 2017 - 08:52
Political Change in Ireland: Critical thinking, dynamic writingDynamics of Political Change in Ireland review: This authoritative collection tells a cautionary taleSat Apr 01 2017 - 06:00
Sinn Féin can no longer claim ownership of Irish unityThe Belfast Agreement has been disrupted by Brexit and Conservative party behaviourSat Mar 18 2017 - 06:58
World View: Brexit may force re-evaluation of Irish unityThe return of a hard Border would have a devastating impact North and SouthSat Mar 04 2017 - 05:00
Worldview: Threat of Trump must not be underestimatedNew US administration is determined to use its power to fight for what it believes inSat Feb 18 2017 - 05:00
World View: Media must join resistance to hate speechWith populism on the rise and social-media platforms enabling incendiary comment, restoring media ethics of accuracy and impartiality is more important than everSat Feb 04 2017 - 05:00
World View: the rising tide of illiberalismUniversal values along with social solidarities may offer bulwark to TrumpSat Jan 21 2017 - 05:00
World View: It makes sense to stick closer to Brussels than London on BrexitWe should eschew a bilateral agreement with the UK for the time beingSat Jan 07 2017 - 05:00
Obama’s biggest failure was not securing a Democratic successorGreatest material legacy may be his rescue of US capitalism from the 2008 recessionSat Dec 24 2016 - 05:00
World View: Low-tax model at heart of public discontentNeoliberal path puts us at risk of going in the same direction as UK and USSat Dec 10 2016 - 05:00
Paul Gillespie: European attitudes towards Brexit are hardeningGrowing realisation that the fundamental principles underlying the EU are at riskSat Nov 26 2016 - 05:00
World View: Election result challenges everything the US stands forDonald Trump’s foreign policy priorities will change the international orderSat Nov 12 2016 - 05:00
World View: Healing divisions in the MediterraneanNegative media images of Arab world and north Africa must be counteractedSat Oct 29 2016 - 05:00
World View: Aleppo highlights EU foreign policy failureBig states see EU as just another multilateral forum to pursue national goalsSat Oct 15 2016 - 05:00
World View: Voter turnout key to deciding US presidential raceDonald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns rely on mobilising core supportersSat Oct 01 2016 - 01:00
Review: Unequal Europe: Social Divisions and Social Cohesion in an Old ContinentJames Wickham’s analysis of the EU’s response to economic crisis since 2008 concludes that ‘only a social Europe can rescue Europe’ from neoliberal ideologySat Sept 17 2016 - 02:00
World View: Belgium offers a way out of the Brexit impasseNorthern Ireland, Scotland and Wales could all have separate relationships with the EU similar to Flanders and WalloniaSat Sept 17 2016 - 01:00
Tax avoidance by multinationals contributes to inequality and is in political firing lineWorldview: Response to Apple tax claim must reflect the changing global moodSat Sept 03 2016 - 01:00
Rupert the Bear’s warning on AI, robots and jobs‘He draws on recent dystopian business literature predicting imminent loss of jobs to machines, which talks of 47 per cent of US jobs at risk of replacement in the next 20 years’Sat Aug 20 2016 - 01:05
Paul Gillespie: Inquality is the scourge of every generationIts not as simple as the young and poor versus the rich and the oldSat Aug 06 2016 - 02:08
Wider implications for Ireland of Brexit need to be brought into the openKenny and Martin comment on border poll are welcomed as a stimulus for debateSat Jul 23 2016 - 13:45
Worldview: Gender and climate issues are linkedWomen must be centrally involved if sustainable development goals are to be achievedSat Jul 09 2016 - 00:49
European Union must prevent any Brexit contagionPaul Gillespie: Britain’s Imperial legacy writ large via links with rest of worldSat Jun 25 2016 - 01:00
World View: Is the EU turning into a federal superstate like the US?‘Boris Johnson’s vision has been denounced more for its false analogies with Hitler and Napoleon on European unity than for its unrealistic forecasting of a federal future’Sat May 28 2016 - 00:01
Naomi Klein argues climate change is a battle between capitalism and the planetPaul Gillespie: ‘These are big, bold and challenging ideas with a significant and informed following in Ireland’Sat May 14 2016 - 01:00
World View: Obama turns attention to his legacyPresident says US leadership and agenda-setting is expected wherever he goesSat Apr 30 2016 - 01:00
World View: Young Arabs trying to make themselves heardThere are more young people in the Middle East than ever before, and many feel ignoredSat Apr 16 2016 - 00:56
Paul Gillespie: 1916 was the start of a century of Ireland’s influence on British imperial historyCounterfactual speculation about the timing of the Rising puts 1916 into its proper international context as a huge stimulus of political change in Europe and the worldSat Mar 26 2016 - 07:11
World View: The case for a new type of social partnershipA comparison with three Nordic countries indicates that an intellectual failure to think originally was behind the Irish system’s lack of resilience after the crisis of 2009Fri Mar 11 2016 - 18:38
World View: Brexit would rapidly put Irish unification on the agendaIt is helpful to read the UK referendum on leaving the EU through a Scottish lensSat Feb 27 2016 - 01:00
Worldview: It’s a dangerous time for journalists everywhereThe space for civil society is shrinking as states use the threat of terrorism and the need for security to restrict the journalism that in fact makes them free.Sat Feb 13 2016 - 02:00
World View: EU worried about setting precedent in negotiations with CameronConcern that Le Pen, Wilders, and other right-wing populists will be inspired to seek similar outcomesSat Jan 30 2016 - 03:44
Worldview: Ireland should recognise Palestine if peace talks failIt would be a symbolic move, helping to put international pressure on the Israelis and could usefully be debated in the general election campaign.Sat Jan 16 2016 - 01:32
World View: Quantum insight can affect economicsThe euro zone crisis politically entangles Irish, German, Greek, and Spanish citizensSat Jan 02 2016 - 06:00
Worldview: Cleavage over global warming will grow in intensityRadical critics see real opportunities for protests and social movement action against governments and fossil fuel industriesSat Dec 19 2015 - 03:15
Worldview: The north has woken up to the consequences of BrexitThe main question is just how bad the impact would be, whether on the border, economics and trade or higher education.Sat Dec 05 2015 - 00:57
Paul Gillespie: Regional Sunni powers hold the key to SyriaFederal state with power sharing most convincing solutionSat Nov 21 2015 - 01:29
Paul Gillespie: Plurilingualism – why we’re so bad at picking up more languagesIreland is the only European state where a foreign language is not a compulsory part of the primary, secondary or third level curriculumSat Nov 07 2015 - 14:28
Paul Gillespie: Ireland must not let Brexit affect position in EUThe referendum on UK membership will be a rollercoaster ride with long-term implicationsSat Oct 24 2015 - 01:00
World View: Dayton Accord offers a possible route out of Syrian disasterUS brokered deal was imperfect and based on exhaustion and impasse rather than justice. But it stabilised the regionSat Oct 10 2015 - 03:52