Storyteller’s shadow: Patrick Smyth on his mother Jennifer Johnston
Jennifer Johnston’s relationship with her father is far from her whole story but she remained wrongly convinced she was still in his shadow
By flirting with the far right, Europe’s centre-right parties play a dangerous game
Worldview: History suggests that such pacts with the devil end badly
Tensions are already emerging in Camp Trump between populists and libertarians
Worldview: Ayn Rand’s articulation of a brutal, amoral ‘greed-is good’ philosophy embodies the spirit of the new administration
Mercosur will not be the cataclysm for Irish farmers they predict
World view: There are always winners and losers in any free trade agreement, but is this accord to be brought down at the behest of the powerful farm lobby’s limited sectoral interest?
Giorgia Meloni masquerades as the ‘acceptable’ face of the far right, but nobody should be fooled
Worldview: Meloni is not bringing Italian post-fascism back to the centre ground and moderating it, but is polishing up a dangerous anti-democratic throwback
EU needs to be less ‘polite’ in resisting Russian attempts to sway elections
Worldview: Attacks include sabotage, assassinations, parcel bombs, cyber attacks, electoral interference, social media disinformation campaigns and the testing of military preparedness
How the US ‘broke Congo’ is vividly retold in a pacy new documentary
Worldview: Johan Grimonprez’s Soundtrack to a Coup D’Etat weaves extraordinary archive footage, personal testimonies and jazz into a compelling account of the killing of Patrice Lumumba
Japan’s reliable, stable democracy has been shaken by snap election gamble
Worldview: Dissatisfaction with democracy and a return to recession has left Japan’s mighty Liberal Democratic Party floundering
Is Trump a fascist? Kamala Harris is among a growing number who say yes
Nature of threat of Donald Trump’s second-term plans what matters about the ‘f’ word, not precise historical accuracy
UK has grudgingly closed a long chapter in its inglorious history of African colonial conquest
Worldview: The UK leaves the Chagos Islands much as it governed them, with a total disregard for the feelings or aspirations of its displaced indigenous people
A definition of Swiss neutrality remains elusive, but at least the debate has begun
Worldview: The Swiss maintain that it is precisely the defence of a neutral state that requires it to maintain a large and heavily equipped army
Venezuelans vote with their feet as optimism evaporates
Worldview: A quarter of the population has fled the country under Nicolas Maduro’s rule
Plan to make billionaires pay more tax is gaining support globally
French economist Gabriel Zucman has proposed ways of raising hundreds of billions from the ultrarich to address underfunded priorities such as hunger and health
Voters must be lured back to the polls with so much always at stake
Democracy requires people to see the need to vote. France, Iran and Poland show the way
Macron shares Cameron’s aloofness, invulnerability and catastrophic urge to call voters’ bluff
Worldview: This disastrous election is France’s Brexit moment - every bit as mistimed and every bit as consequential for his country