Ask the expert: Our son’s routine goes awry when his dad is aroundIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comSun Mar 20 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: My grandson is defecating in his underpants several times a dayIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comSun Mar 13 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: Should I allow my 11-year-old have a smartphone?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comSun Mar 06 2016 - 17:37
Ask the expert: My 4-year-old son asks constantly if we will be knocked down? Or die?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comFri Feb 26 2016 - 19:00
Ask the Expert: I can’t get the seatbelt on my little boyMy son is throwing tantrums and is very strong so it is hard to force him to do anythingSun Feb 21 2016 - 19:00
Ask the expert: Our son is secret eatingOur 10-year-old seems to collect sweets and treats from all sources and hoards themMon Feb 15 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: The kids’ grandparents are overloading them with sugarMy in-laws mind our children. Can I ban sweets from their house?Sun Feb 07 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: Our five-year-old has started acting babyishIf you have any parenting questions, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Feb 01 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: My six-year-old son is very negative and often in a bad moodIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jan 25 2016 - 18:00
Ask the expert: How can we cope with our son’s tantrums?If you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jan 18 2016 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: Our teenage daughter is always unhappyShe spends a lot of her time moping around the houseSun Jan 10 2016 - 19:00
After the flood waters retreat, the mental scars remainWe must ensure that those afflicted by floods get support, help and compassionThu Jan 07 2016 - 01:00
Ask the expert: Should we split the twins up in school?The elder boy has become more dominant and sometimes sets his brother upSun Jan 03 2016 - 10:21
Ask the expert: My 7-year-old son says he hates himselfA lot of self-criticism happens around homework but he is doing well at schoolMon Dec 28 2015 - 10:10
Ask the expert: Should I listen to my friend’s advice on my baby’s sleep habits?When you become a parent, you can get bombarded by advice from ...everyoneSun Dec 20 2015 - 19:00
Ask the expert: How can I help my younger daughter move out of her big sister’s shadow?It is important to hold them both to account in resolving any conflicts that ariseMon Dec 14 2015 - 16:00
Ask the expert: My daughter is struggling with friendshipsIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Dec 07 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: My 13-year-old son is addicted to online gamingThough the increased use of modern technology and the internet has brought many benefits, there have been a lot of downsidesMon Nov 30 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: How do I make my toddler sleep later?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Nov 23 2015 - 18:00
Ask the expert: My son seems very unhappy at universityIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Nov 16 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: I dread going back to work and leaving my babyIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Nov 09 2015 - 17:00
Ask the Expert: Why do young children pull out their hair?If you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Nov 02 2015 - 18:00
Ask the expert: How do we get a toddler to sleep all night?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Oct 26 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: How much should you compete when you’re six?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Oct 19 2015 - 16:00
Ask the Expert: I feel I never stop fighting with my sonIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comTue Oct 13 2015 - 08:00
Ask the Expert: How do I explain my brother’s suicide to my son?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Oct 05 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: My little boy is aggressive towards meIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Sept 28 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: My son lacks confidence in the playgroundIf you have a parenting query, email your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Sept 21 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: How can I help my daughter knuckle down to study?If you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Sept 14 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: My little girl is terrified of noiseIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Sept 07 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: I need help to get my daughters activeIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Aug 31 2015 - 18:00
Ask the Expert: My son seems to dread going back to schoolIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Aug 24 2015 - 16:00
Ask the Expert: I worry that my little boy will hate schoolIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comMon Aug 17 2015 - 16:00
Ask the Expert: My little girl often gets very down in herselfIf you have a parenting question for John Sharry, send it to health@irishtimes.comMon Aug 03 2015 - 16:43
Ask the Expert: My adult son is disrespectful to his girlfriendIf you have a parenting question, please send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jul 13 2015 - 15:00
Ask the Expert: My son is nine and still wets the bedIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jul 06 2015 - 15:00
Ask the Expert: Will an OCD diagnosis for my teenager lead to stigma?If you have a parenting query, email your question for John Sharry to health@irishtimes.comMon Jun 29 2015 - 16:00
Ask the Expert: Going potty with toilet-training stressIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jun 22 2015 - 17:00
Ask the Expert: ‘I’m afraid my daughter will hurt my son’If you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jun 15 2015 - 16:00
Our teenage son shows signs of OCDIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon Jun 08 2015 - 17:21
Ask the Expert: My daughter panics at the thought of schoolSchool refusal is a common problem that is very worrying for parentsMon Jun 01 2015 - 17:00
Ask the expert: My little girl can’t stop biting her nailsIf you have a parenting query, email your question for John Sharry to health@irishtimes.comMon May 25 2015 - 17:00
Ask the Expert: Exam stress is overwhelming my anxious sonIf you have a parenting question, send your query to health@irishtimes.comMon May 18 2015 - 16:00
How to talk to children about the same-sex marriage referendumGive accurate and appropriate answers and do not be afraid to share your valuesMon May 18 2015 - 09:00
Ask the Expert: My little girl whinges all the timeIf you have a parenting query, email your question for John Sharry to health@irishtimes.comMon May 11 2015 - 17:00
Ask the Expert: Our toddler wakes three times a nightIn part three of his series on the importance of a good night’s sleep for families, John Sharry explores the challenge of helping a preschooler learn to stay in his bed through the night. Send your queries to health@irishtimes.comTue May 05 2015 - 06:10
Ask the expert: Switching children off at nightPart two of this series on the importance of a good night’s sleep for families explores the challenge of technology and whether to have different bedtimes when you have more than one childMon Apr 27 2015 - 16:00
Ask The Expert: My 12-year-old son won’t get up for schoolEnsuring children have a relaxing bedtime routine and get a good night’s sleep is crucial for a happy family life. (Part one of a three-part series)Mon Apr 20 2015 - 11:30
Ask the Expert: Our daughter worries about our marriageIf you have a parenting query, send your question to health@irishtimes.comTue Apr 14 2015 - 05:00