Euro-candidates urged to support new moves to tackle poverty and exclusionCandidates in the coming European Parliament elections have been urged to support the introduction of new measures aimed at tackling…Wed May 05 1999 - 01:00
No new leads from searches for bodies in midlands bogsThe series of searches in the midlands this week for the bodies of missing women has failed to produce any new leads, according…Sat May 01 1999 - 01:00
Order to seek adjournments of drink-driving cases issuedProsecuting solicitors have been told to seek adjournments of drink-driving cases before the courts pending a Supreme Court ruling…Sat May 01 1999 - 01:00
`Chance meeting' may bring former judge's neighbours into spotlight cityAs the inquiry intensifies into why Mr Hugh O'Flaherty intervened in the Philip Sheedy drink-driving case, the spotlight is due…Sat May 01 1999 - 01:00
Instant traffic news for drivers in a jamAs radio stations go, it's not the most exciting line-up: road accident reports, traffic-jam warnings and updates on parking …Sat May 01 1999 - 01:00
Gardai see conviction of Delaney as major victoryGardai were celebrating a major victory against organised crime yesterday with the conviction of self-confessed drugs dealer …Wed Apr 28 1999 - 01:00
Firm defends Glen Ding roleRoadstone Dublin has stated it has no opposition to the Glen Ding issue being referred to the Moriarty Tribunal if that is the…Wed Apr 28 1999 - 01:00
Bill to ensure major sport, cultural events can be viewed for freeA new Bill which would ensure television viewers can continue to watch major sporting and cultural events free of charge was …Tue Apr 27 1999 - 01:00
Ordination conducted by Tridentine bishop once of harbour policeIf it's publicity Mother Bernadette Mary O'Connor is seeking, she could not have joined a better orderTue Apr 27 1999 - 01:00
Singer says she will live in LourdesThe singer Sinead O'Connor, who was ordained a Tridentine priest last week, has said she intends never to return to live in Ireland…Tue Apr 27 1999 - 01:00
O'Connor donation disturbing - bishopDissident Bishop Pat Buckley has described as "disturbing" the donation of £150,000 by singer Sinead O'Connor to a fellow bishop…Mon Apr 26 1999 - 01:00
Some fear of media requests discernedFear of adverse publicity has led civil servants to occasionally come "dangerously close" to treating media requests under the…Sat Apr 24 1999 - 01:00
Public figures petition Fianna Fail for PfP pollMore than 100 public figures from business, politics and the arts have signed a petition calling on Fianna Fail to honour its…Thu Apr 22 1999 - 01:00
Anti-war group formedIrish opponents of NATO air strikes in Yugoslavia stepped their campaign up a gear yesterday with the launch of an umbrella group…Thu Apr 15 1999 - 01:00
`Chilling reminder' of HolocaustThe unfolding tragedy in Kosovo has a particular resonance for Jews, "who are only too aware of genocide and ethnic cleansing…Wed Apr 14 1999 - 01:00
Aid agencies efforts concentrate on delivery to refugeesAbout 35 tonnes of emergency supplies will be flow by the Irish aid agency Concern into Albania tomorrow for distribution to …Wed Apr 14 1999 - 01:00
Over £1m donated in IrelandAs public donations to Irish Kosovo appeals edge over the £1 million mark, one aid agency has taken to the streets in search …Sat Apr 10 1999 - 01:00
Union concerned at Tesco's plan for 24-hour storeThe retail workers' union Mandate has expressed "grave concern" at the prospect of unregulated 24-hour shopping following Tesco…Sat Apr 10 1999 - 01:00
Youth Defence protester `tried to bash back of garda's head in'A youth Defence protester attacked a garda and "tried to bash the back of his head in" with the wooden pole of a placard, the…Fri Apr 09 1999 - 01:00
Agencies divided on policy of relocating refugeesIrish aid agencies are divided over the Government's decision to support the relocation of Kosovo refugees in Ireland.Wed Apr 07 1999 - 01:00
Aid agency calls plight of refugees desperateUp to 20 refugees are dying each day on the Kosovo-Macedonia border where more than 60,000 people are stuck "in no-man's-land…Wed Apr 07 1999 - 01:00
Government to be `generous' on accepting refugeesThe Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ms Liz O'Donnell, has said the Government will act as "generously…Wed Apr 07 1999 - 01:00
Warm front promises sunny weekendIt won't exactly be splitting the stones, but a warm front currently hovering over the Republic - hot air from Spain, to be precise…Sat Apr 03 1999 - 01:00
`The Weir' a hit with New York's criticsConor McPherson's The Weir received largely glowing reviews from New York theatre critics yesterday after its opening night on…Sat Apr 03 1999 - 01:00
Agencies appeal for aidThe Irish Red Cross Society (IRCS) and Concern are the latest Irish aid agencies to launch Kosovo appeals.Fri Apr 02 1999 - 01:00
Ceremonies for Holy Week beginPope John Paul II today is urging priests throughout the world "to carry out with confidence and courage their duty of guiding…Thu Apr 01 1999 - 01:00
Irishman charged with threatening air crew, passengersAn Irishman was charged yesterday with threatening crew and passengers on an Aer Lingus flight from Shannon to Chicago.Thu Apr 01 1999 - 01:00
Tourism executive fears a bored failteVisitors to Ireland are increasingly discovering not so much a land of the welcomes as "an atmosphere which is almost rude, brusque…Thu Apr 01 1999 - 01:00
Couch potatoes' prayers answeredIF you're the sort of couch potato who regards pressing buttons on your remote control as strenuous activity, fret no more, your…Tue Mar 30 1999 - 01:00
New tests for blood donors to be brought in by BTSBAdvanced screening tests for hepatitis C and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in donated blood are to be introduced before the…Tue Mar 30 1999 - 01:00
New Act likely to enforce vetting of youth workersVolunteers and staff in youth organisations may face statutory vetting under new legislation on child protection to be introduced…Mon Mar 29 1999 - 01:00
Antidote to computer virus to be issued todayThousands of Irish companies and Government agencies are to be issued this morning with an antidote to a new computer virus which…Mon Mar 29 1999 - 01:00
Irish protests echo those around worldA series of protests against NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia is being held throughout Ireland this weekMon Mar 29 1999 - 01:00
The hardware and the bottom lineMore than £300 million worth of cruise missiles have been dropped by NATO forces in the first two days of air strikes against…Sat Mar 27 1999 - 00:00
One-third of solicitors failed to attend complaint hearingsA third of solicitors who were requested to attend internal complaints hearings last year failed to turn up, according to the…Fri Mar 26 1999 - 00:00
Gardai fear dispute may escalate after killingGardai in Blanchardstown, Co Dublin, are fearful that a dispute between Traveller families which led to a fatal shooting at a…Thu Mar 25 1999 - 00:00
Psychiatric nurses cast new doubt on talks about payThe psychiatric nurses' union has cast new doubt over the success of talks on nursing pay by condemning employer proposals which…Thu Mar 25 1999 - 00:00
People donate less money and time to charities, survey findsDespite growing affluence in Irish society, people are donating less money and time to charities, according to a survey published…Tue Mar 23 1999 - 00:00
Diners who hunger for the right directions get the seasoned wordAs with the Academy Awards, sentimentality played its part in the selection of this year's 100 Best Restaurants in Ireland, the…Tue Mar 23 1999 - 00:00
Dublin's living costs rise fastest of allLiving costs in Dublin are increasing at a faster rate than in any other EU capital, according to a new world price survey published…Sat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
McDaid scoops £75,000 in winning Cheltenham betsTHE Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Dr McDaid, returned home from the Cheltenham festival yesterday having scooped…Sat Mar 20 1999 - 00:00
Boat show attendance banishes notion of elitismIt's not only big spenders who go to the Irish Marine Federation Boat Show at the RDS in Dublin.Thu Mar 18 1999 - 00:00
Plea for information on Clondalkin rapeGardai investigating the rape of a 12-year-old girl in Clondalkin, Dublin, on Tuesday have renewed their appeals for information…Thu Mar 18 1999 - 00:00
Schoolgirl's rape may be linked to earlier caseGardai believe the man who raped a 12-year-old schoolgirl in Clondalkin in west Dublin yesterday may be responsible for raping…Wed Mar 17 1999 - 00:00
IBEC and unions expected to approve new procedures for union recognitionUnions and employers are expected to formally announce agreement within a matter of weeks on new procedures which would give …Tue Mar 16 1999 - 00:00
Players among seven hurt in shooting at matchGardai investigating the shooting of seven people at a football match in Clondalkin, Dublin, yesterday believe the gunmen may…Mon Mar 15 1999 - 00:00
Spokesman says archbishop's view backed by studyA spokesman for the Dublin archdiocese has welcomed a new study which lends some support to controversial remarks by the Archbishop…Mon Mar 15 1999 - 00:00