This year’s top 10 Christmas conversation killersGreta Thunberg, Maria Bailey and vaping: A round-up of the subjects to avoid this ChristmasMon Dec 23 2019 - 06:00
Jennifer O'Connell: We need to stop talking about women’s ‘emotional labour’ at ChristmasA lot of what needs to be done at this time of year isn’t emotional labour; it’s just labourSat Dec 21 2019 - 06:04
Life in a hospice: ‘Everything is done. The plot is bought’Patients at Our Lady’s Hospice in Harold’s Cross find their own way of dealing with deathSat Dec 21 2019 - 06:00
There’s a kind of homesickness only emigrants understand at ChristmasJennifer O’Connell: Our line was ‘it’s only a day, after all’, to be repeated over and overSat Dec 14 2019 - 06:00
Polling day: ‘Tactical voting could be the story of this election’‘The British like a slightly bumbling upper-class person. That’s part of the psyche’Wed Dec 11 2019 - 21:30
Attitudes harden away from Labour in UK marginal seatTwo weeks since I last visited Dudley North voters are obsessing about ‘the lesser of two evils’Tue Dec 10 2019 - 20:00
Jennifer O’Connell: 'I’ve seen the future and I want no part of it’One day, we’ll have to explain to young children what olde worlde phrases like ‘phone call’ and ‘customer service’ and ‘drove myself’ meantSat Dec 07 2019 - 06:04
Facebook facing up to 12 lawsuits over ‘disturbing content’Cases follow claim of ‘psychological injuries’ by former content moderator Chris GrayThu Dec 05 2019 - 02:03
Facebook moderator: ‘Whenever I talk about the content, I just get more upset’Chris Gray’s work for company entailed watching videos of stonings, torture and executionsWed Dec 04 2019 - 18:06
Case against Facebook an opportunity to improve working standardsContent moderators ‘suffering injuries’ to protect internet users from harmful materialWed Dec 04 2019 - 17:46
Man sues Facebook over having to watch ‘extremely disturbing content’Former content moderater claims psychological injuries from ‘graphic and violent’ postsWed Dec 04 2019 - 12:27
‘I blamed myself for not wanting it enough’ – Untold tales of pregnancy lossAbout one in four pregnancies ends in miscarriage. Someone you know has had oneSat Nov 30 2019 - 06:10
No screens, no food, no sex: Welcome to dopamine fasting, Silicon Valley’s new fadIt is worth reminding ourselves that a phone a communication device and a productivity tool. That’s all.Sat Nov 30 2019 - 06:00
Brexit fatigue unites voters in one of UK’s tightest constituenciesConservatives target West Midlands seat as frustration with Corbyn’s leadership buildsThu Nov 28 2019 - 19:00
‘We’re heading towards turmoil’: UK’s young voters ponder uncertain futureMarginal Seat: First-time voters in Dudley North defy the stereotype of apathetic youthWed Nov 27 2019 - 19:00
The UK’s ‘grey voters’: ‘Corbyn will set the country back 50 years’Older voters in Sedgley are deeply unenthusiastic about the Labour and Tory leadersTue Nov 26 2019 - 20:20
UK election: ‘Labour is promising to give away everything bar a free unicorn’Jennifer O’Connell finds Brexit on the minds of Dudley North, a marginal seat in the sights of the ToriesMon Nov 25 2019 - 20:30
'My 13-year-old does not have a smartphone. Parents can say no'Jennifer O’Connell: I haven’t banned the internet. I just don’t want it in my kids' pocketsSat Nov 23 2019 - 06:00
‘Local and vocal’: What does Wexford think of Verona Murphy?General feeling is the Fine Gael byelection candidate is unscathed by recent controversySat Nov 23 2019 - 02:30
Party like it’s 1959: Cooking like Great-Granny used toJennifer O’Connell’s daughter digs out old family recipes for a 1950s baking weekendSat Nov 16 2019 - 06:04
Jennifer O'Connell: We’re living in a golden age of TV. Try telling that to RTÉThe days of ‘We’ll make it home in time for the Late Late’ are gone, and so are those audiencesSat Nov 16 2019 - 06:00
Life after peat: Men of the bog – and proud of itScepticism in Offaly about plans to replace jobs at Shannonbridge power plantSat Nov 16 2019 - 02:00
Ana Kriégel murder: What it taught us about bullying, porn and boysJennifer O’Connell on how to combat violent pornography and victimisationSat Nov 09 2019 - 06:00
Jennifer O’Connell: President Kanye in 2024? Be very afraid AmericaRapper’s hint at running for White House may not be just a stunt. Remember Trump?Sat Nov 09 2019 - 06:00
Was Gay Byrne a feminist?There were certainly notable missteps, but he gave Irish women a much-needed voiceThu Nov 07 2019 - 17:45
Boy A and Boy B rarely looked up – and never at one anotherBoys sentenced were ‘remarkable for their apparent ordinariness’ before murdering Ana KriégelTue Nov 05 2019 - 20:19
Jennifer O’Connell: Am I having a midlife crisis?Having navigated imposter syndrome of our 20s, and the pureed carrot and Calpol era of our 30s, we’ve arrived at a new, more terrifying phaseSat Nov 02 2019 - 06:00
Cocaine use has become ‘almost like having a packet of Tayto with a pint’Waterford publicans gather to tackle the increasing problem of drugs use on premisesSat Nov 02 2019 - 05:00
Grannycare is no solution to childcare crisisWhat happens to the magic when being a grandparent becomes an obligation instead of a pleasure?Sat Oct 26 2019 - 06:30
The Tipperary town that changed its mind on asylum seekersHow Borrisokane and Ballinamore have reacted differently to direct provisionFri Oct 25 2019 - 11:40
Deborah Orr, RIP: ‘Funny, charismatic and terrifyingly cool’I met her just once – when interviewing her ex, Will Self – but she made a lasting impressionMon Oct 21 2019 - 13:45
Can you be friends with someone you fundamentally disagree with?Jennifer O’Connell: Listening to an opposing view isn’t endorsing it. Civility isn’t weaknessSat Oct 19 2019 - 06:03
‘You can be anything in Ireland now, except English’What is it like to be one of the 114,500 British people living here in the Brexit era?Sat Oct 19 2019 - 06:00
Why hasn’t Ireland succumbed to the populist wave sweeping Europe?The Turkish writer Ece Temelkuran on how Ireland shouldn’t be complacent about populismFri Oct 18 2019 - 00:00
Nancy Pelosi: The woman who stood up to Trump – and wonTrump tweeted an ‘insulting’ photo of Pelosi. She put it on her social media accountsThu Oct 17 2019 - 16:49
Harry and Meghan are in a battle with the media that they can’t possibly winJennifer O’Connell: I like the royal couple but I’m siding with the tabloids on thisSat Oct 12 2019 - 07:40
Being gay foster parents: ‘You just need to be good enough’‘The children have never heard any negative comments about our gender or relationship’Sat Oct 12 2019 - 06:00
Nobel Prize: A short history of hoaxes, mix-ups and disbeliefPranks and misundertandings do occur. Just ask Toni Morrison, Alice Monro or Donald TrumpFri Oct 11 2019 - 20:05
Jennifer O’Connell: It was not just in Gilead that women were stripped of their namesIt is time we remembered all Josephs and Marys whose dignity, freedom and lives were stolenSat Oct 05 2019 - 06:00
Google might be drafted in to help fix our homeless crisis - it should make us all nervousGoogle is not an altruistic enterprise. Its primary responsibility is enrichment of its shareholdersWed Oct 02 2019 - 06:00
Women cyclists on harassment: ‘They think it’s sexy interaction. I’m just going to work’Only one in every 250 teenage girls gets to school by bike. And it has nothing to do with school skirtsSat Sept 28 2019 - 06:00
What’s the story? In Edinburgh’s Storytelling Centre there are a lot of them being toldTall tales and time machines in a glistening sandstone city that is the jewel of East LothianSat Sept 28 2019 - 06:00
Funeral of emigrant who died alone: Joseph Tuohy ‘ashamed of his existence’Hundreds gather for Irish man who was separated from his mother at five years of ageFri Sept 27 2019 - 13:05
Discontented rural Ireland fertile ground for populistsGovernment slow to learn lesson from Brexit and populism sweeping other countriesWed Sept 25 2019 - 06:00
No ordinary Joe: The story of forgotten Irish emigrant Joseph TuohyJoseph Tuohy, who died in July, never got over being separated from his mother as a boySun Sept 22 2019 - 06:00
He had loved this man in secret for years. Now it fell to her to find himShe knew there was someone to be told. Someone no one else knew about. Another manSat Sept 21 2019 - 06:00
Boris Johnson has the charm and depth of an overcooked souffleJennifer O’Connell: Unfortunately, sometimes terrifyingly, we often get leaders we deserveSat Sept 14 2019 - 06:03
Irish pub closures: The slow death of the local barIreland has 1,500 fewer pubs than in 2006. Nowhere has seen a steeper decline than LimerickSat Sept 14 2019 - 06:00
Why is Greta Thunberg so triggering for certain men?Articles of 2019: How can a 16-year-old girl in plaits inspire such rage?Sat Sept 07 2019 - 06:02
Free public transport scheme: ‘If they tried to take it away, we’d fight it’Ireland’s free travel scheme is ‘an extraordinary social programme’, believe older users of bus and rail servicesSat Sept 07 2019 - 06:00