Stress over trial linked to suicideA CHINESE prisoner with little English who took his own life in Maghaberry Prison was under stress because he did not know when…Tue Nov 16 2010 - 00:00
Decision due on Finucane inquiryNORTHERN SECRETARY Owen Paterson has announced he will shortly decide whether or not an inquiry will be held into the murder …Fri Nov 12 2010 - 00:00
Dissident tag gives 'status to terror groups'THE BRITISH and Irish governments are seeking to strip groups such as the Real IRA and the Continuity IRA of the term dissident…Thu Nov 11 2010 - 00:00
Real IRA says it killed five people in past 13 monthsTHE REAL IRA has stated it was responsible for five gun killings, four of them in the South, in the past 13 months.Mon Nov 08 2010 - 00:00
Proper focus on building a shared future neededCOMMUNITY RELATIONS: MORE THAN £3 billion has been spent in creating and cementing the peace process in Northern Ireland but…Mon Nov 08 2010 - 00:00
Parties 'failing' people in North, says SDLPPEOPLE’S TRUST in Northern Ireland has been broken by the DUP and Sinn Féin which are unable to see beyond their own narrow self…Sat Nov 06 2010 - 00:00
Monitor to warn of dissident threatTHE INDEPENDENT Monitoring Commission is today expected to confirm the growing threat from dissident republicanism.Thu Nov 04 2010 - 00:00
Robinson wants public service pay freezeFIRST MINISTER Peter Robinson has proposed a two-year pay freeze for civil servants earning over £21,000 per year as one of a…Tue Nov 02 2010 - 00:00
Dissident paramilitaries see numbers rise to more than 600DISSIDENT REPUBLICAN paramilitary groups are growing in numbers and now have more than 600 members with a reorganised Real IRA…Mon Oct 25 2010 - 01:00
Concern over dissident growthDissident republican paramilitary groups are growing in numbers and now have more than 600 members with a reorganised Real IRA…Mon Oct 25 2010 - 01:00
Ervine to stand against former leader PurvisTHE NEW leader of the Progressive Unionist Party Brian Ervine is to stand against the former leader of the PUP Dawn Purvis in…Mon Oct 18 2010 - 01:00
DUP call to end funding for church schools 'sectarian', says Sinn FéinRELIGIOUS AND educational representatives of the Catholic Church and nationalist politicians have reacted critically to First…Mon Oct 18 2010 - 01:00
NI education system a 'form of apartheid', says RobinsonA CAREFULLY planned 10-year transition to a general integrated education system in Northern Ireland must begin, the DUP leader…Sat Oct 16 2010 - 01:00
Remains in bog believed to be of Gerry EvansA BODY believed to be that of Gerry Evans, one of the “disappeared”, has been located in a bog in Co Louth – just over a week…Sat Oct 16 2010 - 01:00
Broadcaster Jim Dougal dies aged 65THE JOURNALIST and commentator Jim Dougal has died at the age of 65Sat Oct 16 2010 - 01:00
Ulster Bank apology to Orange OrderULSTER BANK has “sincerely” apologised to the Orange Order for any offence that the bank’s support of the Down GAA football team…Tue Oct 12 2010 - 01:00
Catholic Church can be a 'beacon of hope', says Cardinal BradyTHE CATHOLIC Church can be a “beacon of hope” in troubled times, the Catholic primate Cardinal Sean Brady said in Armagh where…Mon Oct 11 2010 - 01:00
DUP plan to reduce size of Assembly gets sceptical response from partiesA PROPOSAL by DUP First Minister Peter Robinson to reduce the size of the Northern Assembly and Executive has prompted a guarded…Sat Oct 09 2010 - 01:00
David Ervine's brother to run for PUP leadershipBRIAN ERVINE, brother of the late David Ervine, is planning to stand for the leadership of the Progressive Unionist Party at …Tue Oct 05 2010 - 01:00
Ringland quits UUP over stance on GAAFORMER IRELAND rugby international Trevor Ringland, who stood against Peter Robinson in East Belfast in this year’s Westminster…Tue Oct 05 2010 - 01:00
Ervine's brother bids to lead PUPBrian Ervine, brother of the late David Ervine, is planning to stand for the leadership of the Progressive Unionist Party at …Mon Oct 04 2010 - 01:00
Former president outlines measures to create thousands of jobs in NorthCLINTON VISIT: FORMER US president Bill Clinton spoke yesterday of how a relatively low-key public response to his visit to …Thu Sept 30 2010 - 01:00
The NorthRALLIES AGAINST job and budget cuts were held yesterday in Belfast and Derry to mark the day of action against the impending …Thu Sept 30 2010 - 01:00
Orangemen decision on parades not for reviewA REFUSAL by the Orange Order to review a decision about a proposed new method of dealing with contentious parades will inevitably…Tue Sept 28 2010 - 01:00
Ringland in threat to quit if UUP chief stays aloof on GAAFORMER IRELAND rugby international Trevor Ringland has threatened to resign from the Ulster Unionist Party if new leader Tom …Fri Sept 24 2010 - 01:00
Unionist leader must appeal to centristsANALYSIS: TOM ELLIOTT, whatever about his views on the GAA and gay pride marches, illustrated that he has organisational skills…Fri Sept 24 2010 - 01:00
Policing 'key' to North traffickingNORTHERN IRELAND must become a “hostile place” for anyone engaging in human trafficking, the Northern Ireland Assembly heard …Wed Sept 22 2010 - 01:00
January, February, March, March, MarchNORTHERN IRELAND: Blood and Thunder: Inside an Ulster Protestant Band, By Darach MacDonald, Mercer Press, 352pp, €14Sat Sept 18 2010 - 01:00
UVF killing was 'public execution', says watchdogBOBBY MOFFETT was the victim of a “public execution” by the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) because he had challenged the organisation…Thu Sept 16 2010 - 01:00
Body of 'disappeared' identifiedREMAINS FOUND in a Co Monaghan bog in July were those of Charlie Armstrong, one of the “disappeared”, the Independent Commission…Thu Sept 16 2010 - 01:00
'King Rat': a life of crimeBILLY WRIGHT came to public notoriety during the early Drumcree standoffs in 1995 and 1996Wed Sept 15 2010 - 01:00
Agency investigates unnatural seal deaths along Down coastTHE NORTH’S Environment Agency is investigating whether poachers are responsible for a high number of unnatural seal deaths along…Thu Sept 09 2010 - 01:00
DUP deputy leader to give up seat in AssemblyDUP DEPUTY leader Nigel Dodds is to stand down as Assembly member for North Belfast but will hold on to his Westminster seat, …Thu Sept 09 2010 - 01:00
Dodds to resign Assembly seatDUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds is to stand down as Assembly member for North Belfast but will hold on to his Westminster seat, …Wed Sept 08 2010 - 01:00
Boy unhurt after finding pipe bomb at schoolAN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD boy has recounted how he picked up a viable pipe bomb in St Comgall’s Catholic Primary School in Antrim yesterday…Tue Sept 07 2010 - 01:00
Bill Clinton set for Irish visitFormer US president Bill Clinton is to visit Ireland at the end of the month, it was announced today.Mon Sept 06 2010 - 01:00
North's society in crisis, study arguesNORTHERN IRELAND is suffering from “crippling levels” of social collapse marked by joblessness, family breakdown, mental illness…Fri Sept 03 2010 - 01:00
PSNI overtime for July riots tops £1mOVERTIME PAYMENTS to police officers charged with trying to quell or contain rioting in Ardoyne, north Belfast, over the July…Fri Sept 03 2010 - 01:00
Last day of marching season ends peacefullyTHE LAST major day of the loyalist marching season passed off peacefully at the weekend.Mon Aug 30 2010 - 01:00
NI marches pass off peacefullyA loyal order parade past the flashpoint Ardoyne shops in north Belfast, the scene of four days of violence over the Twelfth …Sun Aug 29 2010 - 01:00
NI marches pass off peacefullyA loyal order parade past the flashpoint Ardoyne shops in north Belfast, the scene of four days of violence over the Twelfth …Sat Aug 28 2010 - 01:00
Claudy bombing victim welcomes case reviewA WOMAN who was injured in the Claudy bombing that killed nine people and injured more than 30 has welcomed a move by the North…Sat Aug 28 2010 - 01:00
Ex-RUC officers tell of Chesney pursuitTWO FORMER RUC detectives have told of how they sought to pursue inquiries that Fr James Chesney was one of the Claudy bombers…Fri Aug 27 2010 - 01:00
MLA calls for change to St Andrews accordULSTER UNIONIST Party leadership candidate Tom Elliott has demanded a change in the law in order to prevent Sinn Féin’s Martin…Thu Aug 26 2010 - 01:00
Unionists up pressure on cardinal over ClaudySENIOR UNIONIST politicians have insisted the Catholic Church still has serious questions to answer over the Claudy bombing, …Thu Aug 26 2010 - 01:00
RUC failed victims in 'collusive act' over Fr ChesneyTHE NORTH’S Police Ombudsman has found that the RUC in 1972 engaged in a “collusive act” in how it dealt with high-level intelligence…Wed Aug 25 2010 - 01:00
NI Police Ombudsman appeals for information on bombingTHE NORTHERN Ireland Police Ombudsman has appealed for new information on an IRA car-bombing which killed nine people, including…Wed Aug 25 2010 - 01:00
Powder-keg politics of 1972 have denied justice to the bereaved and injuredANALYSIS: Failures to act by police, William Whitelaw and the church have all but buried the truthWed Aug 25 2010 - 01:00
Dissidents deny having contact with governmentsONE OF the most active of the dissident republican groups has denied it is in contact with the British or Irish governments.Tue Aug 24 2010 - 01:00
Cover-up of priest's role in IRA to be confirmedPOLICE OMBUDSMAN in the North Al Hutchinson is today expected to stand up claims of a cover-up involving the RUC, the British…Tue Aug 24 2010 - 01:00