Medals for Irish designers at Chelsea Flower ShowPaul Martin and Diarmuid Gavin named among winnersWed May 25 2016 - 01:00
A foolproof planting recipe for the perfect summer containerA dreamy mix of flowers and foliage is guaranteed to fill your heart with joySat May 21 2016 - 06:00
Why the ideal dog for a dedicated gardener is a dachsundDig in column: Think about the effect on your garden before you choose a poochSat May 21 2016 - 05:04
Fionnuala Fallon gardening: TidyTowns judges urge volunteers to nurture natural beautyNo place for weedkillers and mowing of wildflowers in environmentally-friendly awardSat May 14 2016 - 06:06
Children’s books guaranteed to get little green fingers itchingGorgeous, magical stories that can nourish a child’s instinctive love of the natural worldSat May 14 2016 - 05:08
Magical microclimate flourishes in the great gardens of GarinishThe OPW has just finished an utterly brilliant restoration of Bryce House on the islandSat May 07 2016 - 06:00
Too many tulips is never enoughSome 5,000 are in bloom in the Bay Garden in Camolin, Co WexfordSat Apr 30 2016 - 05:45
Exotic, expensive beauties that live only in still lifeSome varieties are extinct because their bulbs were infected by ‘tulip-breaking’ viruses passed on by aphidsSat Apr 30 2016 - 05:45
Dan Pearson plants a sense of place, with natural affinity and respectful layersThe Best in Show winner at the 2015 Chelsea Flower Show is giving a talk at Lismore CastleSat Apr 23 2016 - 05:45
Gardening goes underground in Manhattan park projectThe inventive use of solar technology in an underground park is lighting the way for an ambitious fibre-optic schemeSat Apr 23 2016 - 05:45
For top-class flowers and grass, use posh poop, guano and frassWe dress it up with terms like ‘livestock manure’, but human and animal excrement is part of gardening folkloreSat Apr 16 2016 - 05:45
Scaly, stinky bulbs don’t mask the charm of snake’s head fritillaryThis almost-wild plant self-seeds around gardens, yielding generous clusters of pretty spring flowers that look as good in a vase as on a grassy bankSat Apr 16 2016 - 05:45
Sustainable flowers and community blossomsGrowers of seasonal ‘eco blooms’ can find a wealth of information and practical advice onlineSat Apr 09 2016 - 05:45
Dundalk designer choreographs his entry to Chelsea Flower ShowPaul Martin is using many Irish suppliers and contractors in his show garden this yearSat Apr 09 2016 - 05:45
Unearthing hidden treasures while working in old gardensDigging reveals tiny pieces of history in broken personal and household objectsSat Apr 02 2016 - 05:45
If it’s time to weed, it’s time to seed (Bare-bum test optional)Growing in modules offers protection from weeds, slugs and cold windsSat Apr 02 2016 - 05:45
The ‘Colleen Bawn’ and the ‘Empress of Ireland’: a rich tradition of daffodil breedingThere is a growing appreciation among gardeners for this rich horticultural legacySat Mar 26 2016 - 05:45
Art therapy for weeds turns them into ‘street flowers’Two exhibitions explore the very different lights in which these nomads of the plant world can be viewedSat Mar 26 2016 - 05:45
Lollipops don’t grow on trees, but here’s the next best thingGiving your lollipop tree some good nourishment is key to keeping it in top conditionSat Mar 19 2016 - 05:45
Umbrella terms: how the Bots became a crime scenePeople who work in public gardens and parks need to keep their eyes peeled for plant pilferersSat Mar 19 2016 - 05:45
Growing potatoes yields grubby delights, and shadow of blightFew things taste as good as a handful of freshly dug potatoes, lightly steamed and tossed in butter and a dusting of sea salt. But the damaging fungal disease known as potato blight is capable of destroying an entire crop with speed and surprising stealthSat Mar 12 2016 - 05:45
How the Irish shamrock gained its ‘sham’The national symbol we wear proudly on St Patrick’s Day can be one of a number of plantsSat Mar 12 2016 - 05:45
Black Star glad for Bowie fansGladioli are highly decorative, easy to grow and available in a range of gorgeous coloursSat Mar 05 2016 - 01:00
Green screens: how to create a sense of seclusion without growing resentmentThere are lots of ways to plant for privacy without choosing something that will become invasive, shady or high-maintenanceSat Feb 27 2016 - 04:00
Thorny devils: our blooming love affair with rosesThey’re difficult to grow, but breeders are coming up with new garden-friendly speciesSat Feb 13 2016 - 05:45
Going Dutch with a master in the gardenWhat turns a gardener into a plant collector? Single mindedness and an obsessive streak helpThu Feb 04 2016 - 06:00
Gardens: Planting the seed for springWhile the internet offers an endless supply of seed catalogues, it is still a case of buyer bewareThu Jan 28 2016 - 10:00
Aloe vera: Say hello to a wonder plantThis useful plant is used to reduce pain, to moisturise and to aid healing, among other propertiesThu Jan 21 2016 - 10:00
Masters of the floral artAn illustrated book and an exhibition recognising some of Ireland’s new garden plants will be launched this yearThu Jan 14 2016 - 10:00
Gardens: Waiting for that welcome frostThe mild winter is bad for gardens – many plants need a sufficient period of chilly weather in order to thriveThu Jan 07 2016 - 12:00
Gardens: Plant some seeds of inspirationNext year’s catalogues are out, and there are lots of interesting new plants to consider growingSat Dec 26 2015 - 11:00
Decorate your Christmas with garden foliageThere’s a host of handsome evergreen shrubs whose foliage will give your Christmas decorations an air of distinctionWed Dec 16 2015 - 12:00
Gardening books for green fingersThere is a wonderful variety of gardening books for the plantsperson in your lifeThu Dec 10 2015 - 10:00
The best presents for the gardener in your lifeThere are gifts across the price range for your favourite horticulturalistsThu Dec 03 2015 - 12:00
Gardens: Big plans to grow food in small spacesNowhere is too small or too unlikely – from an unused swimming pool to the back of a pick-up truck – to grow your own foodThu Nov 26 2015 - 10:00
Gardens: Edible dahlia tubers are roots to relishWith hints of celery, beetroot and carrot, darling, eat up your dahliasThu Nov 19 2015 - 11:01
This Week in the Garden: Inspect homegrown fruitGardening this weekend? Fionnuala Fallon has some tips on what you should be concentrating on and some dates for your gardening diaryThu Nov 19 2015 - 10:00
Gardens: an artichoke by any other nameThe Jerusalem artichoke may be a misnomer but this easy-to-cultivate tuber is highly nutritious and tastyThu Nov 12 2015 - 13:00
Gardens: a window sill plant that will fragrance your room for monthsLemons, rose, cola bottle, strawberry - just some of the scents that will come from a crushed geranium leaf that can be used to make teas and cakesThu Nov 05 2015 - 11:30
Gardens: Beware the poison plantEven the most innocent seeming plants and flowers can be deadly at heart, but that shouldn’t stop us growing themSat Oct 31 2015 - 02:00
Gardens: Season of mists and spectacular seedheadsThere’s a wealth of plants worth growing for their sculptural autumn seedheads aloneSat Oct 24 2015 - 02:00
Gardens: Go forth and propagateGrowing new plants from cuttings is a canny way of building up your stock of tender annualsSat Oct 17 2015 - 07:00
Peonies: Blousy beauties that last and lastPeonies, favoured for their blooms, are long lasting plants that can survive for decadesSat Oct 10 2015 - 06:00
Gardens: the beauty of leaves – brown, bright and redDon’t take for granted the many vivid autumnal trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses that can gild a late season gardenSat Oct 03 2015 - 05:07
Finding your thrill on blueberry hillExpect 10 year wait for fully productive plants, but patience is amply rewardedSat Sept 26 2015 - 01:00
Bulbs: dig deep now and reap the rewards come springNow is the time to plant bulbs that will give you armfuls of spring and summer flowersSat Sept 19 2015 - 05:04
Grow: pretty as a pictureNot only are they painterly, vivid and gorgeous, ‘pictorial’ meadows are extremely supportive of pollinatorsSat Sept 12 2015 - 05:39
How to keep bees (and bee happy)Honeybees will happily forage for pollen and nectar wherever they can find it. but the flowers of some plants are more valuable to them than othersSat Sept 05 2015 - 12:00
Grow: The secret world of DahliasJudging these colourful flowers is an exacting process; you can see it in action today in GreystonesSat Aug 29 2015 - 14:30