Minister appeals ruling allowing retired judge work as barristerStay put on High Court decision to let former judge Barry White (71) return to workTue Sept 06 2016 - 12:44
Stud breeders face prosecution over animal remediesIllegally held animal remedies found at Yeomanstown Stud, Naas court toldTue Sept 06 2016 - 01:02
New appointments made to boards of State bodiesBruton announces new members and online system for Student Grants Appeals BoardSat Sept 03 2016 - 17:06
Kilkenny fan to attend his 70th All-Ireland hurling final in 71 yearsMichael Byrne (87) will also be celebrating 53 years of marriage with wife MauraSat Sept 03 2016 - 01:00
Fund for family of murdered Trevor O’Neill set up by local authorityInnocent victim (42) who was killed in Spain was drainage inspector with Dublin City CouncilFri Sept 02 2016 - 16:24
Baby in care diagnosed with hepatitis C, court hearsInfant girl born to mother addicted to drugs was taken into care at birthFri Sept 02 2016 - 01:00
Senator to table motion calling for register of judges’ interestsCulture of openness and transparency needed, says Independent Victor BoyhanMon Aug 29 2016 - 10:15
RTÉ to air 1993 interview with President Michael D HigginsRadio series pulled from RTÉ last year because of legal dispute to air on WednesdayMon Aug 29 2016 - 01:00
Timeline: The Olympic Council of Ireland ticketing controversyArrests, seized tickets, emails and two very differing accounts of the same meetingSat Aug 27 2016 - 15:15
Judges claimed over €780,000 in expenses in first half of 2016Largest claim, for €24,500, was made by District Court judge, new figures showFri Aug 26 2016 - 01:00
Jail threat for mother over breach of ex-partner’s child accessMother claimed daughter aged 15 was assisting with personal care of disabled fatherWed Aug 24 2016 - 01:00
#TwoWomenTravel ‘ignored third human’, says Cora SherlockBut Orla O’Connor of National Women’s Council of Ireland says they were courageousTue Aug 23 2016 - 01:00
Family court planned for Hammond Lane faces delay over rezoningMove to insert park on part of Dublin city site earmarked for modern family courtMon Aug 01 2016 - 01:00
DPP has publication ban extended in Dublin child care caseAs long as potential for charges is realistic, restriction will continue, says judgeThu Jul 28 2016 - 01:00
Anglo verdict: Witnesses praise bankers ahead of sentencingSupporters and family members speak in court on behalf of the three defendantsTue Jul 26 2016 - 01:00
Splitting couples wait 12 months for court dateDelay of up to 52 weeks for hearing in Wexford, Tullamore and also DundalkMon Jul 25 2016 - 01:00
Lives “put on hold” by court delays, divorce solicitor saysSeparation hearings take up to 52 weeks to be listed in Wexford, Tullamore and DundalkMon Jul 25 2016 - 01:00
Proposed Dublin family court complex under threat from rezoningAmendment to city council plan would rezone part of Hammond Lane site for parkMon Jul 25 2016 - 01:00
Councils to find and target households not paying bin chargesAuthorites will be able to target households not separating food properly under new lawsFri Jul 22 2016 - 12:43
Serious risks found in child protection service in MidlandsPriority child protection cases that were unallocated were known about ‘for years’Thu Jul 21 2016 - 14:27
Co Monaghan farmer whose cattle were shot faces pollution allegationsJohn Hoey allegedly breached discharge licenceWed Jul 20 2016 - 21:48
Shortage of judges delays trial date for Seán ConlanFormer Fine Gael TD for Cavan-Monaghan faces allegations of assault in pubWed Jul 20 2016 - 19:19
Ex-FF TD Colm Keaveney had €1.23m debts after bankruptcyCreditors rejected personal insolvency arrangement, court documents showTue Jul 19 2016 - 01:00
What is the Angela Kerins v PAC case about?Central to the case is whether PAC had the jurisdiction to question Rehab bossFri Jul 15 2016 - 01:01
Only 8% of disability centres meet Hiqa inspection standardsHealth watchdog receives nearly 1,800 notifications of alleged or confirmed abuseThu Jul 14 2016 - 21:58
Angela Kerins affidavit describes PAC’s ‘vendetta’ against herEx-Rehab chief will have to reveal ‘very private matters’ to pursue case, says counselThu Jul 14 2016 - 01:00
Grandmother seeks access to son’s children against his wishesSon tells Family Court relationship has been strained since mother had him as teenagerWed Jul 13 2016 - 01:00
Two weeks free travel for children this summerLeap card holders go free on Dublin Bus, Luas and Dart from July 25thMon Jul 11 2016 - 16:14
Armed gardaí needed to search farm where cattle killedCriminal Assets Bureau had €3.48 million judgment against landowner John HoeySat Jul 09 2016 - 16:05
Animal charity condemns killing of five heifersISPCA describes the shooting of cattle during Monaghan bankruptcy seizure as ‘horrific’Fri Jul 08 2016 - 08:29
Alleged sexual abusers could read a child’s therapy files, says psychologistHead of abuse unit highlights increase in requests for records of childrenFri Jul 08 2016 - 01:00
Five heifers shot by soldiers as part of bankruptcy seizureAnimals were ‘wild and dangerous’ and could not be caught, says official assigneeWed Jul 06 2016 - 19:26
Buskers in Dublin banned from using backing tracksPerformers will be required to have repertoires that are at least 30 minutes longTue Jul 05 2016 - 07:18
St John of God Group defend €2m payout for executivesPublic accounts committee to question HSE on charity’s possible breach of pay capSun Jul 03 2016 - 19:40
Proposal to make obtaining divorce quicker broadly welcomedMadigan denies pandering to anti-divorce segments by not changing law furtherThu Jun 30 2016 - 19:38
Woman alleges partner beat her with hammer and slashed her faceDublin District Family Court grants mother temporary barring orderThu Jun 30 2016 - 13:38
New bin charges for Greyhound customers unless they opt outCompany has given customers until August 1st to make their choiceTue Jun 28 2016 - 18:03
Majority of online child sexual images in Ireland depicts boys – report327 cases referred to reporting service confirmed as containing child sexual abuseTue Jun 28 2016 - 11:16
Non-payment of fines reason for 80% of female committalsIrish Prison Service report shows overall numbers sent to prison rose to highest in five yearsMon Jun 27 2016 - 16:54
Brexit: Frances Fitzgerald to meet UK counterpartsMinister for Justice says issues include Border and European arrest warrantsMon Jun 27 2016 - 13:46
Opinion: A modest proposal for privacy at family courtsDomestic violence victims are denied dignity when they are most in need of itMon Jun 27 2016 - 01:00
Galway sexual abuse unit treated three one- year-old childrenAverage age of children seen last year was seven, Dr Joanne Nelson tells conferenceMon Jun 27 2016 - 01:00
Brexit would leave EU court without voice of British judgesRetired judge Aindrias Ó Caoimh says UK colleagues have huge impact in EuropeThu Jun 23 2016 - 22:58
Schools should be forced to tackle cyberbullying, conference hearsState’s Special Rapporteur on Child Protection calls for new legislation at EU forumWed Jun 22 2016 - 17:58
District Court judge post received 164 applications last yearJAAB annual report shows number of applications fluctuate with economyMon Jun 20 2016 - 19:05
Case study: Two teenagers taken into careChildren removed in 2014 when mother admitted to hospital due to mental health problemsMon Jun 20 2016 - 00:01
Family Court: Roma children in uninhabitable houseReporting project reveals shocking case of children with lice, ringworm and no foodMon Jun 20 2016 - 00:01
Paternity leave legislation likely to pass before summer breakFathers to get two weeks off and €230 a week at a cost of €20 million a yearSun Jun 19 2016 - 16:21
Michael Colgan: Arts Council needs four times current funding‘Name for me the great classical plays written by women and I’ll do them’Sat Jun 18 2016 - 15:36
Varadkar to seek approval for Christmas social welfare bonusProvision for payment not included in Government estimatesSat Jun 18 2016 - 11:47