How will Ireland respond to Trump’s tariff threat?
State must walk a fine line between playing the green card in Washington and standing tall alongside EU colleagues
IDA chief warns of ‘disruptive’ impact of US tariffs
Inward investment agency targeting 75,000 jobs over next five year
NTMA allows Davy return as primary dealer of Irish government bonds
State agency gives Davy green light to return almost four years after it was dropped
How using a Deutsche Bank projection landed Government in hot water on housing completions
The only 40,000 estimate for completions last year, which was often quoted in the general election campaign, came from Deutsche Bank
Euro zone grows by anaemic 0.1% amid threat of US tariffs
Latest Eurostat figures were better than initial estimate of 0% growth but ‘not worth getting excited about’
Scrapping rent controls and offering tax breaks under review, but no guarantee they will solve housing crisis
Micheál Martin looks to encourage private investors to return as housebuilding and apartment completions slow down
Landlords should be able to ‘reset’ rents between tenancies, OECD recommends
Paris-based agency says population growth, past underinvestment and constrained supply have led to affordability challenges
Sherry FitzGerald sees fall-off in home completions as ‘backwards step’
Ireland’s largest estate agent calls on Government to introduce targeted measures to boost supply
Report suggests 26% rise in homes under construction in Dublin
Data in latest 4Dublin Housing Supply Pipeline indicate construction pipeline is still relatively strong
How Brexit killed Frexit
The UK’s messy, ill-thought out exit from the EU has effectively killed off leave campaigns in other member states
Trump’s tariff threat to Ireland: More bark than bite?
Ireland could be caught in the middle of a devastating US-EU trade war
Government’s tax take surges to €10bn in January
Apple tax money and Christmas VAT receipts boost public finances
Trump might create a bigger problem for Ireland than tariffs
Ireland’s strong economic performance contrasts with Europe’s ongoing stagnation but it comes with a risky downside
ECB cuts interest rates again as focus shifts to Europe’s ailing economy
Central bank’s policymakers lower deposit rate to 2.75 per cent from 3 per cent, giving tracker mortgage holders here an instant boost
Housing delivery predicted to stagnate and fall well short of targets
Study by construction consultants Mitchell McDermott finds Ireland’s housing output will not eclipse the 33,000 units achieved in 2023 for up to three years