Shopping in the Covid era: physical stores face significant challengesBusinesses need to offer innovative incentives to get buyers over the shop thresholdsWed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Financial lifelines to keep your business healthy through the Covid crisisThese State-backed initiatives to support business could be just what the doctor orderedWed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Six essential gadgets to get you through autumn-winterHere is some kit to keep you from getting bored on these ever-lengthening nightsWed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Measuring the success of wellness programmes in the workplaceEmployers are investing in a range of wellbeing benefits for their employees but how effective are they?Wed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Ulster University researchers develop novel therapy for chronic inflammationResearch team seeking funding for commercialisation of InflammabWed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Providing leadership in a time of crisisBeing strategic and innovative are key survival tools in face of uncertaintyWed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
An Airbnb for charging your electric car? That’ll spark some interestIrish-based EVE wants to remove obstacles to buying an EV such as lack of charging pointsWed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Tests, masks and apps: The Irish companies responding to new demandsMany businesses are adapting in innovative ways to the challenge of Covid-19Wed Sept 30 2020 - 00:00
Past year somewhat of a roller-coaster ride for investorsAnalysts stress the importance of taking the longer-term view, avoiding overpriced assets and erring on the side of cautionFri Sept 25 2020 - 00:00
Alternatives to equities, property, bonds and cashInvestments that will outperform inflation but provide a safe haven in turbulent timesFri Sept 25 2020 - 00:00
Go on a great city break without going far from homeIreland has plenty to offer this autumn when it comes to city breaks for staycationersThu Sept 24 2020 - 06:00
Innovation in voluntary healthcare propelled by pandemicCentral Remedial Clinic and Tallaght University Hospital find value in email and appsThu Sept 24 2020 - 05:03
Stay and spend scheme: Ins and outs of tax-incentivised diningItemised breakdown must be clear – so no hiding a few sneaky drinks in overall billThu Sept 24 2020 - 00:00
People power: Eirgrid kicks off its 2021 graduate programmeGraduates will play role in company’s renewable energy strategy for 2020-25Thu Sept 17 2020 - 04:23
Plan C: post-Covid planning for the workforce of the futureIs remote working here to stay? Will it affect work-life balance? Companies need to knowThu Sept 17 2020 - 04:15
One-third of Irish farms are vulnerable in terms of future viabilityCash flow is one of the biggest financial issues facing many farmersThu Sept 17 2020 - 00:00
Farms are Ireland’s most dangerous workplacesFarm deaths rose 20 per cent last yearThu Sept 17 2020 - 00:00
Science Foundation Ireland: ‘We can rebuild the economy while doing good’Research centres are helping companies to be more competitive and innovativeThu Sept 03 2020 - 04:59
Realising the potential of Ireland’s financial services sectorPaul Sweetman of FSI outlines ambition for Ireland to be among global top 20 by 2025Thu Aug 27 2020 - 16:27
Is Covid-19 a game changer for funds distribution?Ireland well positioned to play important role in post-pandemic economic, social recoveryThu Aug 27 2020 - 04:45
Traditional retailers must adapt as Covid-19 drives consumer behaviour changesAs virus accelerates the shift to online, retailers must ensure they still have a profitable businessThu Aug 27 2020 - 00:00
Cyberattacks a pressing threat to all retailersBusinesses face prospect of fines and reputational damage if they get hackedThu Aug 27 2020 - 00:00
Academia and industry working together has clear commercial benefitsThe level of international collaboration around finding a Covid-19 vaccine has reached unparalleled levelsThu Aug 20 2020 - 01:00
Irish company receives €4.5m European funding to aid fight against Covid-19SiriusXT’s X-ray microscope can help virologists understand how virus is affecting internal structure of cellsThu Aug 20 2020 - 00:00
Collaborating to solve industry problemsSkillnet Ireland will also facilitate the development of educational programmesThu Aug 20 2020 - 00:00
Significant supports in place to buttress Ireland’s R&D infrastructureBut country still lags behind other European states in terms of public R&D spendThu Aug 20 2020 - 00:00
3Mobile Protect: App protects mobile phones from cybercrimeWith so many working from home Covid-19 was perfect timing for fraudThu Jul 30 2020 - 04:51
Nessa Fennelly: ‘Ireland makes 80% of stents used globally’Ibec unit Irish Medtech Association aims to get even bigger slice of world marketThu Jul 23 2020 - 04:58
Smart technology applied to the water supply in rural UgandaIrish companies join a consortium to develop technology to provide safe drinking water for villagesThu Jul 16 2020 - 04:43
Maintaining personal contact at the most sensitive timesFuneral director utilised Three’s services to relieve some of distress for customersThu Jul 16 2020 - 04:33
Rebooting IrelandReopening the economy is by no means as straightforward as shutting it down but there will be positive aspects to the new normal for businessWed Jul 08 2020 - 00:00
PwC boss fears worst of economic damage wrought by Covid-19 has yet to comeO’Rourke points to slump in FDI and global tax issues as major additional concernsFri Jul 03 2020 - 00:00
The Irish pharma industry is one of our big success storiesIreland plays a central role in the supply chain of biopharmaceutical company BMSFri Jul 03 2020 - 00:00
Reconfiguring to meet new circumstances in global supply chainsCompanies are looking at lengthy supply chains with a critical eye, and nearshoring and reshoring are increasingly under discussionFri Jul 03 2020 - 00:00
Adapting and thriving in the new world of workCoronavirus pandemic has led to the acceleration of a digital transformation of the workplaceThu Jun 25 2020 - 00:00
The 15 tools you need for basic home repairsIf lockdown has given you a taste for DIY, here are the tools you will need to carry onSat Jun 20 2020 - 06:00
How Ireland’s food industry is staying ahead of consumer trendsProcess, product and marketing innovation remain vital to success of industryThu Apr 30 2020 - 00:00
Preparing the next generation of food innovatorsBord Bia has teamed up with UCD and DCU to offer a number of courses aimed at all aspects of the sectorThu Apr 30 2020 - 00:00
Hidden desks, more shelves: the home office ideas that workIf home working becomes permanent practice then homes will need to be adapted to suitSun Apr 26 2020 - 06:00
Working from home: is your broadband up to speed?Good broadband is essential for remote working. Here are some ways to improve yoursSat Apr 25 2020 - 06:00
‘We want to help Dublin become one of the world’s best sustainable cities’Dublin Chamber president Catherine Moroney has set sustainability as the over-arching theme for her year in officeWed Apr 22 2020 - 00:00
AI’ll be there for you: are robots coming to take our jobs?Contrary to many people’s fears, new technologies like AI and advanced robotics may create more jobs than they destroyWed Apr 22 2020 - 00:00
Delivering for future generationsAs part of its sustainability strategy, An Post has committed to significant investment in electric vehicles and aims to have zero carbon deliveries in major cities by the end of the yearFri Apr 03 2020 - 00:00
Building towards zero carbonSustainability is top of the agenda for construction firm John Sisk & Son and the drive towards carbon neutrality has seen the company address its energy consumption, the building materials it uses, and its overall social impactFri Apr 03 2020 - 00:00
Ireland ‘lagging behind’ when it comes to insurance innovationAsia is the leader, followed by the UK and then a few European markets such as GermanyThu Mar 26 2020 - 06:01
Insurance industry gets personalThe industry is responding to customer demand for a more personalised service by offering a suite of products tailored to individual clientsThu Mar 26 2020 - 00:00
Insurance industry needs to rebuild public trustIndustry has been hit by allegations of profiteering in motor sector and unfair pricing practicesThu Mar 26 2020 - 00:00
How the insurance industry faces an unprecedented wave of disruptionTechnology will be used to streamline and improve customer experienceThu Mar 26 2020 - 00:00