Whether upgrading your home heating system or building a new home, there are many considerations to be made when selecting the most efficient heating system to suit your requirements. Reliability and efficiency are key priorities and together they can help keep annual heating bills down and deliver maximum comfort. However, with a growing focus on sustainability, carbon reduction, and reducing environmental impact, incorporating renewable energy sources into the home heating design will help to future-proof your home.
Leading heating technology manufacturer Grant’s core focus is providing innovative, eco-friendly, and reliable heating solutions that tackle the problem of rising energy costs and carbon emissions. Having dedicated four decades to developing innovative heating technologies, Grant fully understands the importance of future-proofing homes across Ireland and offers some advice below for those considering a new build project or heating system upgrade.
Smart Upgrades
Every home is different and has unique heating requirements. In most cases, it is impractical and unnecessary to remove and replace a full heating system, therefore upgrading the system by installing a condensing oil boiler may be the most efficient option in terms of cost and practicality. Installing a Grant Vortex condensing oil boiler can help homeowners reduce their carbon emissions without compromising comfort levels and help save up to 25 per cent on annual heating bills*.

In preparation for a decarbonised future, the Grant Vortex condensing oil boiler range is also compatible for use with future biofuel blends**. This means that by installing a Grant Vortex, you are enabling your property to move towards a low carbon future and meet its future heating requirements.
Professionally designed
When building a new home or undertaking a deep retrofit, having your heating system professionally designed will help maximise efficiencies, reduce time on the project and provide peace of mind from knowing that all your requirements have been taken on board and the best-suited heating solution has been designed for your home.
To achieve the highest efficiency heating systems, Grant offers a free of charge home heating design service. The first stage in this service begins with house plans. Using these plans, Grant's technical specialists carry out room-by-room heat loss calculations in line with SR:50 requirements. This information provides the heat load requirement for each room and calculates the heat pump output, hot water demands and ideal underfloor heating and radiator configuration for your home.
During the home heating design process, Grant will also work with BER assessors, architects, specifiers, engineers, installers, electricians, suppliers and builders to ensure compliance on all heating requirements for your new build home. Compliance results in reduced household carbon emissions and greater long-term savings.
Choosing innovative heating technologies

A smart, bespoke heating system including correctly sized heating technologies delivers high efficiency and a reliable heating solution for you and your home.
Grant's Aerona3 R32 air to water air source heat pump has quickly become a popular main heat source for Irish new builds, especially where the house design is specifically matched to the heat pump. Air to water air source heat pumps provide compliance and an energy efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective way to heat your home. The Grant Aerona3 R32 air to water air source heat pump is available in outputs of 6kW, 10kW, 13kW and 17kW. The 13kW and 17kW models have also been recognised for their quiet operation by the internationally acclaimed Quiet Mark.
For both new builds and upgrade projects, choosing highly efficient heat emitters to heat individual rooms and complement your heating system is crucial for achieving optimal performance. Grant's Uflex underfloor heating system and Afinia aluminium radiator range offer versatility to support the overall design and architecture of a new build home or upgrade project. Both systems are designed to work with low and high temperature heating systems, meaning they can be easily paired with a Grant Aerona3 R32 air to water air source heat pump or a Grant Vortex condensing oil boiler.
Whether you are considering upgrading your heating system or building your own home, Grant has the heating solution to suit your requirements and help reduce your carbon footprint. Start your journey to more efficient and sustainable heating by downloading Grant's guides to upgrading your heating system and heating your new build home.
Think Heating. Think Grant.
*Depending on age and make of boiler
**Depending on type of biofuel and % blend eg: HVO, FAME