Wood's cameo role

Rugby coaches are likely to be flocking to purchase the Sky Digital service provided by Sky Sports

Rugby coaches are likely to be flocking to purchase the Sky Digital service provided by Sky Sports. Player-Cam, is an inter-active facility which allows a viewer to focus on a single player and follow him through the ebb and flow of a game. The player in question dominates the screen with just a tiny standard picture in the top corner of the screen to keep an eye on the game in general.

Sky introduced the new feature last Monday ago in Premiership soccer and one of the six players featured was Republic of Ireland international Roy Keane. Each player was exclusively tracked throughout the game. Sky is all set to use this facility for next Saturday's Six Nations game between England and Ireland at Twickenham and one of the players likely to be included for the individual cameo is Ireland's hooker Keith Wood.

Now the only problem for the Irish captain, if he was partial to watching only himself and none of his team-mates, is that the Player-Cam and the Sky Digital service is not available in Ireland. So Wood, who fortunately owns a house a stone's throw from Twickenham, will have to nip home and set the video on the Saturday morning. Sky have yet to decide upon what players will feature but it is thought that Wood, Lawrence Dallaglio and Neil Back are among the front-runners.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer