Programme blues

The most pressing concern for the majority of the patrons prior to Friday night's Under-21 international between Ireland and …

The most pressing concern for the majority of the patrons prior to Friday night's Under-21 international between Ireland and Scotland at Ravenhill was to secure a programme. One hour before the kick-off there was no sign of the programmes, 30 minutes still no sign: with 10 minutes to kick-off, the programmes which were coming from 62 Lansdowne Road arrived.

Unfortunately it was too late for the majority of people who were now ensconced in their seats. There was the vaguely amusing sight of programme sellers trying to interest punters in buying them at half-time. Those who did invest will have been appalled by the quality. It was a single sheet of A4 paper, folded in half with the teams on the inside.

It should have been handed out free of charge but instead cost 50p for absolutely nothing other than the teams.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer