Of all the professions that the amateur rugby player might consider, it is safe to assume that manicurist wasn't one of them

Of all the professions that the amateur rugby player might consider, it is safe to assume that manicurist wasn't one of them. However Adam Slee obviously has a thick skin and understanding team-mates. When he failed to get into teacher training college he had to rethink his long-terms plans and instead plumped for his mother's salon, Nail Attractions In Lydney, Gloucestershire.

He has been working there for 10 years and has worked on the nails of a couple of celebrities including Bjork and Kate Moss. Adam (30), has played rugby for The Lydney Club since he was 14-years-old.

He is particularly popular with the front row who are known to suffer terribly with hang nail difficulties.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer