Mixed fortunes for the Irish

"I think I blew it, Chubby," remarked a downbeat Paul McGinley to his manager, Andrew "Chubby" Chandler, as he trooped away from…

"I think I blew it, Chubby," remarked a downbeat Paul McGinley to his manager, Andrew "Chubby" Chandler, as he trooped away from the recorder's hut adjacent to the 18th green at Valderrama.

"Maybe not," replied Chandler, extending hope to the Dubliner. Some two hours later, such optimism was rewarded, but only after the cruel hand of fate exacted retribution on an Argentinian and an Australian.

McGinley secured a precious top 15 place in the Order of Merit - and, crucially, a ticket to the US Open at the Congressional club in Washington next season - after Jose Coceres three putted the last for a bogey and, some 10 minutes later, Wayne Riley pulled his drive into trees and also signed for a bogey five at the 18th.

The two incidents rescued the Irishman's dream. "I really thought the 78 in the first round had killed me," said a relieved McGinley, who came back with rounds of 72-72-73 for 295. Although he slipped from 13th in the money list, his final position of 15th earned him a place in the US Open (he had already won exemption into the British Open at Royal Troon) and earned him £12,000 in bonus pool money.


Darren Clarke and Padraig Harrington also reaped financial dividends from the bonus pool - Clarke's eighth place finish in the Order of Merit earned him an additional £22,000, while Harrington got £16,000 for his 11th placing, capping a superb year for the Irish golfers. Indeed, it is the first time three Irishmen have finished in the top 15.

While McGinley just sneaked his dream (finishing a mere £2,233 ahead of Riley, prior to the bonus pool money which counts as official earnings), there was no reprieve for Clarke who was aiming at a top seven finish in the money list in an attempt to secure an invitation to the US Masters at Augusta.

Clarke, who shot a final round 72 for 291 (£9,125) to be leading Irishman, is currently fourth in the Ryder Cup points list. Harrington, who had a 73 yesterday for 292, is 19th in the table.

. Rain has wreaked havoc on the PGA's season ending $3 million Tour Championship in Tulsa, Oklahoma, forcing postponement of yesterday's final round until today.

British Open champion Tom Lehman will take a nine stroke lead into the final round of the 30 player field. Lehman fired a six under par 64 on Saturday to move to 13 under 197. He is one of only six players under par through 54 holes.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times