McCormack raises possibility of enlargement of Ryder Cup teams

As if there haven't been enough breaks with tradition for the Ryder Cup to contend with, now that it will be forever more staged…

As if there haven't been enough breaks with tradition for the Ryder Cup to contend with, now that it will be forever more staged in even years, one of the world's top sports agents has raised the possibility that next year's rescheduled match between Europe and the United States at The Belfry could see the respective teams enlarged.

When the event, originally scheduled for last month, was postponed for a year after the terrorist attacks in America, it was stated that the same 12 selected players would comprise the teams.

But Mark McCormack, the head of International Management Group who handle the likes of Tiger Woods, Colin Montgomerie and Padraig Harrington, said he had heard there might be an expansion to allow the winners of next season's majors, for example, to be added to the line-up.

McCormack didn't elaborate on how it would work - and, certainly, the evidence from this year's majors which were won by three Americans and a South African couldn't have influenced any European selection - but the fact that a man of his status in the sport should suggest such a thing is enough to give it credence alone.


His understanding of the situation is that there is an option to increase the foursomes and fourballs - at present the match is 12-a-side, with four foursomes and fourballs on the first two days - from four to five to facilitate extra players, should next year's majors create winners who are not already part of the respective teams.

However, David Garland, director of operations with the European Tour, claimed he was surprised by such a suggestion. "As far as I understand it, the two teams stand. I have heard nothing about this," he insisted.

Meanwhile, the LPGA tournament scheduled for South Korea next week has been cancelled because of the US military strikes in Afghanistan, the tournament sponsors said last night.

Also, the official dates for the re-arranged Presidents Cup have been announced. The fifth edition of the event, originally scheduled to take place in November next year, will be played November 18th-23rd, 2003 in South Africa.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times