Late Late Show

In the modern professional era, it is absolutely vital that players are afforded the ideal preparation for every match

In the modern professional era, it is absolutely vital that players are afforded the ideal preparation for every match. There can be no short cuts physically, unless, that is, you happen to be Cork Constitution second-rower Ken Murphy.

All eyes were focused on the gates of Temple Hill on Saturday in anticipation or perhaps hope. The Con squad had long since been on the pitch warming up for their game against Lansdowne. At 2.15 p.m., a quarter of an hour before kick-off, Murphy came jogging into view, complete with kitbag and headed straight for the dressing-room where he performed the full 10 minute warm-up.

The reason for his late arrival was that he had travelled from far afield - Ashford Castle was mentioned. It certainly did not hamper his performance as the second-rower performed with his customary quality.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer