Gaelic growling

This column is no stranger to having the start of its holidays delayed by trifling matters like fuelless planes so, naturally…

This column is no stranger to having the start of its holidays delayed by trifling matters like fuelless planes so, naturally, our hearts went out to Longford Town last week when their UEFA Cup preparations for their game with Bulgaria's Litex were banjaxed by problems with their charter flight.

The topic arose, according to an email from "Alan", on the Eircom League Message Board (http// when two football supporters disagreed on the merits of Gaelic football.

"Bogballers," said one in reference to GAA players. "S*** game, s*** support from the crowd, and players who are stupid enough to go through all that training just for a holiday." Reply: "At least the GAA are capable of organising foreign travel for their teams."

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times