Front-row warfare

Peter Clohessy spoke about the difficulty of facing the French at scrum time stating after the Six Nations match that, "we (Ireland…

Peter Clohessy spoke about the difficulty of facing the French at scrum time stating after the Six Nations match that, "we (Ireland) had our legs too far underneath us. Scrummaging against a French team you need to stay low and long." Yeh, were not sure either but to former England international Jeff Probyn all this scrum techno speak is as clear as day.

"The French start far apart and hit. They're technically very strong and it all comes from their left to right. To stop that you have to be low with the straightest possible back." In the light of Ireland's forthcoming international against Wales, Probyn observed that one of the Welsh tightheads attacks by driving down and when you attempt to counter, he goes up. And who is the best front row in the championship according to Probyn? "Wales." Ireland have been warned.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer