French federation give their backing to Domenech

AMID PERSISTENT and pernicious calls for Raymond Domenech to be replaced as France manager, the French Football Federation (FFF…

AMID PERSISTENT and pernicious calls for Raymond Domenech to be replaced as France manager, the French Football Federation (FFF) have offered the beleaguered coach their unequivocal backing.

The FFF board met yesterday morning to consider a request by one of it’s own members, Guy Chambily, for Domenech to be removed before the World Cup finals. And after more than 90 minutes of talks, at which Domenech was not present, FFF president Jean-Pierre Escalettes insisted the 57-year-old remains the right man for the job.

“The question was posed to all the members of the board by Mr Guy Chambily,” explained Escalettes. “The debate lasted an hour and a half without the presence of Raymond Domenech. Everyone expressed themselves.

“But out of the whole of the members of the federal board, no-one, with the exception of Guy Chambily, asked for there to be a debate opened on whether to keep Raymond Domenech.”


Not the most popular of managers in his native France, despite only losing the 2006 World Cup final on penalties, Domenech has come under renewed pressure in recent weeks. He might have expected France’s qualification for the World Cup finals to have earned breathing space but the nature of the passage to South Africa did little to enhance his reputation.

True, Thierry Henry was cast as the villain of the piece after his handball denied the Republic of Ireland a place in the finals, but Domenech’s stock has hardly risen on the back of a calamitous qualifying campaign.

Nevertheless, Chambily aside, the FFF board are standing by their man. Escalettes even claimed the players would feel “betrayed” should Domenech be sacked.

“That (replacing Domenech now) would have been totally counter productive since our aim must be to prepare the France team for the World Cup,” added Escalettes. “It would have been hardly in accordance with the line of conduct of the board who have twice confirmed Raymond Domenech as coach.

“He had to qualify Les Bleus for the World Cup and that’s what he did. We’re qualified and that was the only sportive clause that figured in his contract.”

Clearly the FFF see little value in changing horses mid-stream. Should France fail to cover themselves in glory next summer, however, it seems Domenech’s head will be on the chopping block.

Noel O'Reilly

Noel O'Reilly

Noel O'Reilly is Sports Editor of The Irish Times