White Paper on treaty approved

The Government approved the White Paper on the Amsterdam Treaty at its last meeting of the year yesterday

The Government approved the White Paper on the Amsterdam Treaty at its last meeting of the year yesterday. The document, which is designed to inform the public about the contents of the EU Treaty, is expected to be published in mid-January.

The Government also approved the establishment of a statutory commission, which the Ombudsman, Mr Kevin Murphy, is expected to be asked to chair, to oversee the dissemination of information in future referendums.

Some sources suggest that rather than funding both sides equally in the referendum, the Government is considering asking the new commission to advance the Yes and No cases. Since the case taken by the Green MEP, Ms Patricia McKenna, the Government is precluded from using public funds to advance one view only in a referendum.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011