UCC ranked world number two in probiotics research

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Cork has received a world ranking for research work related to probiotics

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Cork has received a world ranking for research work related to probiotics. The university is number two in the world according to an assessment by ratings agency Thomson Reuters Science Watch.

The agency has previously given Irish research centres rankings in three other important areas, with more expected to follow.

The agency records “citations”, the number of times research papers published by a scientist are referred to by other researchers. Although flawed, a citation index indicates whether other scientists view the findings as important.

The agency ranked UCC as number two, mainly as a result of papers published by scientists who currently or previously worked at the university’s Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre. It is based on overall citation totals for the centre’s research publications over the past 10 years.


The report indicated six present and former researchers at the centre ranked in the top 20 out of more than 15,000 authors listed globally under this category.

Prof Fergus Shanahan, the centre’s director, welcomed the ranking, saying it showed Ireland could deliver quality research that, in turn, could be commercialised to deliver wealth and jobs.

“It shows the world that Ireland is a global player in certain research areas,” said Dr Sally Cudmore, the centre’s general manager. “It is extremely important for the Government and the science funders that they are beginning to see true results from all of their investment in research.”

Prof Shanahan added the focus should not be on past work. The probiotic work "is part of a much bigger theme", the study of the bacterial life in intestinal tracts. These have delivered new antibiotics including one that might prove effective against the hospital superbug C difficile. He expects future discoveries could include a cure for colon cancer.

Ireland is ranked number one in the agency’s listings for molecular genetics and genomics. It is third in immunology internationally and eighth in materials science.