Traveller lifespan that of 1940s settled

The average age of a member of the Traveller community is 18, compared with a national figure of 33, latest census figures show…

The average age of a member of the Traveller community is 18, compared with a national figure of 33, latest census figures show.

The life expectancy for Travellers in Ireland today is similar to that of the settled community in the 1940s.

Census results show the total population of the Traveller community is 22,435, 0.5 per cent of the Irish population at the time of the 2006 census. The number is down from 23,509 in 2002.

This reduction was recorded despite population projections which indicated that the overall Traveller population would increase to more than 25,000.


CSO officials have speculated that the drop may have been linked to a change in the formulation of the question between the 2002 and 2006 censuses.

Of the total Traveller population, 15,195 lived in permanent accommodation, 5,489 lived in temporary accommodation, while 1,318 did not indicate the type of accommodation they occupied.

Of towns with a population of more than 5,000, census figures show that Tuam, Co Galway, had the highest proportion of Travellers, followed by Longford (4.6 per cent), Birr (4 per cent) and Ballinasloe (3 per cent).

Of the cities, Galway had the highest proportion of Travellers, followed by Waterford and Dublin.

The religious profile of the community shows the vast majority were Catholic, while 2.5 per cent were Protestant.

In order to address the issue of acute mortality levels, the Government has announced plans to conduct a census of the Traveller community in order to identify the factors behind their chronic health status.

It will involve interviews with 2,000 families about their experience of services in the past year and a look at the experience of birth and the first year of life of children.

The results of the study, when analysed, will be aimed at providing a framework for policy development and best practice concerning Traveller health.

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent