Top-earning barrister earns more than €5m

THE OVERALL bill for the planning tribunal has passed the €80 million mark, with the top-earning barrister alone netting over…

THE OVERALL bill for the planning tribunal has passed the €80 million mark, with the top-earning barrister alone netting over €5 million in fees, according to Department of Environment figures.

So far, the inquiry has created 14 tribunal millionaires. Bills paid include €24.6 million in administration costs, €47.1 million for the tribunal's legal costs and €8.7 million in third-party legal costs.

Only a fraction of expected third-party bills have been submitted and paid. When all bills have been settled, the inquiry is expected to cost at least €500 million.

Des O'Neill SC, best known to as the barrister who cross-examined Bertie Ahern, has earned €5.3 million. Patricia Dillon SC has earned €4.5 million, Patrick Quinn SC €3.8 million and John Gallagher SC €3.5 million. Senior counsel at the tribunal are paid €2,250 a day; juniors get a daily fee of €1,500.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.