Taoiseach describes Bruton as honourable

The Taoiseach this morning paid tribute to Mr John Bruton for his contribution to public life while Fine Gael leader.

The Taoiseach this morning paid tribute to Mr John Bruton for his contribution to public life while Fine Gael leader.

Mr Ahern said Mr Bruton had filled the office of Taoiseach with dignity and distinction and helped sustain the strong economic growth that began in 1993 and 1994 and has continued.

The Meath deputy had worked conscientiously on the peace process and helped put in place structures to make the all-party talks productive.

Mr Ahern added he had always found Mr Bruton honourable in his dealings and thanked him for their good working relationship.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times