Students condemn ASTI co-operation ban

The ASTI decision to ban co-operation with new secondary school courses was today condemned as reckless and selfish by a students…

The ASTI decision to ban co-operation with new secondary school courses was today condemned as reckless and selfish by a students’ union.

The Union of Secondary School Students said ASTI members should remember any action they take should affect the Government, not students.

Following a ballot last December, the ASTI announced its members would not co-operate with the introduction of new programmes, syllabuses and curricula in secondary schools as part of their campaign for a salary increase. The ban takes affect from the 2002/2003 school year.

The students union added a proposed ban on supervision and substitution would disrupt the studies of leaving and junior certificate students.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times