Star gazers: �100,000 scholarship programme for Irish students of space studies announced

A NEW €100,000 scholarship programme will fund Irish students who wish to pursue space-related studies

A NEW €100,000 scholarship programme will fund Irish students who wish to pursue space-related studies. It will fund students over the next five years attending the International Space University in Strasbourg.

Details of the new Gogarty scholarships were released yesterday in Dublin. They are sponsored by Dublin businessman Martin Keane and supported by the Government's Discover Science and Engineering (DSE) science promotion programme.

The scheme this year will provide one €12,500 scholarship for the MSc in space studies or the MSc in space management, and a €7,500 scholarship for the space studies programme in Strasbourg. Similar scholarships will be provided over the course of the five-year support programme.

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former Science Editor.