Staff at Bulmers to meet management tomorrow

Over 400 employees based at cider-maker Bulmers in Clonmel, Co Tipperary, have been called to a meeting with management tomorrow…

Over 400 employees based at cider-maker Bulmers in Clonmel, Co Tipperary, have been called to a meeting with management tomorrow morning.

The company, which is owned by Irish drinks group C&C, employs 417 people in Clonmel and a further 46 commercial staff in Dublin.

Clonmel-based staff have been called to a meeting with management at 9am tomorrow where the company is expected to outline a restructuring plan with mounting speculation that it may also seek redundancies.

Nicolas Parker, Siptu branch organiser in Clonmel, said unions had been called to a meeting at 11am tomorrow.

"The company said before Christmas they would be carrying out a complete review of the company and that they would talk to us in February."

"There are a lot of rumours but we haven't been told anything about job losses, we will have to wait and see."
Siptu represents around 150 staff involved in production and transport at Bulmers.

"Bulmers will be making a statement in relation to the re- organization of a number of departments within the company, on Thursday," a spokeswoman for Bulmers said this morning.

"Our employees are our priority and it would be inappropriate to make further comment, before firstly engaging with our workforce."

In a note to investors this morning NCB stockbrokers said further job reductions or changes to work practices at C&C Group were likely to be disclosed at the meetings.

"We expect C&C to reduce its dividend payout to 8 cent or less next year (from 12 cent) to improve its cash generation for brand investment."

At 11.45am shares in C&C group were 1 per cent higher at 91 cent.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times