Search sites most popular in survey

Search engines Google and Yahoo have emerged as the most popular websites amongst Ireland's 1

Search engines Google and Yahoo have emerged as the most popular websites amongst Ireland's 1.5 million internet users, according to a survey from Net Behaviour released today.

Based on data from 30 online sampling points, the survey found that 78 per cent of users visited Google in the last month, making it the most popular site.

In second place was Yahoo with 49 per cent, followed by airlines Aer Lingus and Ryanair with 48 per cent each.

RTE’s website was in fifth place with 46 per cent of users having visited it last month, making it the most popular media site.


Independent News & Media was the second most popular media with 26 per cent.

Some 19 per cent of users had visited the Irish Times website, ireland.comin the last month. This is the only Irish online national news website that is subscription-based.

The survey also indicated the continuing popularity of property websites. was ranked 10th with 30 per cent of users having visited it in the last month, making it the most popular property site. is owned by the Irish Times.

Online banking sites also scored strongly with AIB's site attracting 30 per cent of users, followed by Bank of Ireland’s website with 25 per cent.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times