On The Radar

The pick of the science news

The pick of the science news

Global event in the Botanic Gardens

The National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin has been looking particularly splendid of late and this week it has been hosting the Fourth Global Botanic Gardens Congress.

The international meeting is examining the roles botanic gardens can play in conserving biodiversity and addressing the challenges of climate change.


Organised by Botanic Gardens Conservation International, the event is held every three years.

EU Commissioner answers questions

If you have questions about innovation and Europe to ask Maire Geoghegan- Quinn, this morning you get your chance.

Between between 9am and 10am, the European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science will engage in a live video debate about plans to transform the European Union into an “Innovation Union” with the focus on developing new products and services that create wealth and improve quality of life.

“We need to break down barriers so knowledge circulates more freely. But what do you think?” asks Commissioner MGQ in a video invitation.

For details of how to view and take part in the interactive debate online, see ec.europa.eu/commission_2010- 2014/geoghegan-quinn/index_en.htm

"A single vuvuzelaplayed by a decent trumpeter is reminiscent of a hunting horn – but the sound is less pleasing when played by the average football fan, as the note is imperfect and fluctuates in frequency. It sounds more like an elephant trumpeting. This happens because the player does not keep the airflow and motion of the lips consistent"

Trevor Cox, president of the UK Institute of Acoustics, explains vuvuzela playing to New Scientist magazine

Claire O'Connell

Claire O'Connell

Claire O'Connell is a contributor to The Irish Times who writes about health, science and innovation