Review starts for 'more meaningful' Seanad

An all-party review aimed at improving the working practices of the Seanad begins today.

An all-party review aimed at improving the working practices of the Seanad begins today.

This is the eleventh such review of the chamber since its inception in 1937, and it will be chaired by the current Leader of the House, Fianna Fáil Senator Mary O'Rourke.

The all-party group will examine the Senate's election procedures, how it uses its time and its influence on political life.

Ms O'Rourke said the aim of the review is to make the Senate a "more meaningful and creative" instrument of the Oireachtas.


She said she wants to give the Senate "more teeth" and that she expected to have a report before the Cabinet shortly before Christmas.

Under consideration is a more defined role for Northern Ireland representatives, greater competition in relation to elections and making the leader of the House a Minister of State with the right to sit at Cabinet.

There are 60 members of Seanad Éireann, comprising 43 elected from several vocational panels, six elected from the universities and 11 appointed by the Taoiseach.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times