Retirement of auxiliary bishop

THE RESIGNATION of Dublin Auxiliary Bishop Fiachra Ó Ceallaigh (76), has been accepted by the Vatican

THE RESIGNATION of Dublin Auxiliary Bishop Fiachra Ó Ceallaigh (76), has been accepted by the Vatican. As is required of every bishop on reaching the age of 75, he had submitted his resignation to Rome last year.

He was ordained an auxiliary bishop of Dublin 15 years ago. Prior to his appointment, he had been provincial of the Franciscan Order in Ireland and was the first Franciscan to become a bishop in Ireland for over 170 years.

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin said: “Bishop Fiachra’s warmth and particular personal qualities enriched our work. I, the priests, and no doubt the people of Rialto and his episcopal area are at one in praying that he find enjoyment in his retirement.”

He said Bishop Ó Ceallaigh, “particularly as he struggled with illness in recent years, was an outstanding witness to the motto he took on his episcopal appointment ‘Dia Ár Misneach’ (God is our courage)”.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times