Rehab to provide more training

REHAB is to create an additional 700 training places for the disabled and the long-term unemployed as part of a £12 million restructuring…

REHAB is to create an additional 700 training places for the disabled and the long-term unemployed as part of a £12 million restructuring of its education services.

The Minister for Enterprise and Employment, Mr Richard Bruton, yesterday inaugurated the new umbrella organisation for Rehab's services in this area, the National Training and Development Institute (NTDI).

The body plans to increase its training places from 1,500 to 2,200. From next year, it will start providing training programmes for the long-term unemployed and early school-leavers.

An elected representative council of students, trainees and parents will give people with disabilities a direct say in the services provided by NTDI.


NTDl provides over 40 centrebased, in-company and distance learning programmes. Courses range from architectural draughting and agriculture to baking, electronics and upholstery. Last year 600 people were placed in employment, further training or further education.

Mr Bruton paid tribute to Rehab and the NTDI for their commitment to improving the environment for people with disabilities. "This plan, drawn up in consultation with people with disabilities, will directly address the needs of your customers to help them achieve social and economic independence," he said.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.