Protestant church gutted by suspected arson

A Protestant church in north Belfast has been gutted in a suspected sectarian arson attack.

A Protestant church in north Belfast has been gutted in a suspected sectarian arson attack.

A PSNI spokesman said a passing police patrol spotted the fire at the Whitehouse Presbyterian Church on the Shore Road at around 4 am.

The destroyed interior of the Whitehouse Presbyterian Church today

An adjoining garage was also alight.

Fire services were called and the fire was put out within half an hour. However, the church was completely gutted and the garage was badly damaged. At least six lorries were destroyed.


The police spokesman said a forensic examination of the site is ongoing, but confirmed that they believe it was a sectarian arson attack. They have appealed for witnesses.

However, he added officers did not yet know if the fire was set at the church or the neighbouring car dealership. The church was attacked by arsonists last year.

The church’s minister, Reverend Liz Hughes, said it was a "dreadful shock" to hear of the fire.

"Of course we don’t know what the cause is but this is a church where the people all work together, they all care for one another, they all care for their church building, even the thought of telling some of them, I am finding difficult right now," she said.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times